[B]Name:[/b] Avris Grimm [B]Gender:[/b] Male [B]Appearance: [/b] [hider=See here] [Img]http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110102094733/gundam/images/thumb/f/f5/DS_II.png/480px-DS_II.png[/img] [img]http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120305221955/gundam/images/1/10/Sting_1.png[/img] [/hider] [B]Height:[/b] 6'1" [B]Weight:[/b] 186 lbs [B]Age:[/b] 24 [B]Born a:[/b] Coordinator [B]Alliance:[/b] ZAFT [B]Bio:[/b] Avris' story began with one Emile Schmidt. A highly decorated General of the Earth Sphere Federation. Emile's real name is actually Joseff Strauss, however it was changed as part of a plan to sabotage a Zaft war ship during the Second Bloody Valentine War. He was raised within a wealthy family in Dusseldorf, Germany by his father Jakob Strauss. Emile never really had much of a childhood. As he spent most of his time under going rigorous private training. By the time Emile was physically six-teen, he joined the Earth Sphere Federation. There he studied the mechanics and functions of both military and civilian machines. After years of service, he eventually made the rank of Captain and was given his own Mobile Suit. A GNX-609T GN-XIII, which he heavily customized. Piloting the "Hypereon", which was what he had named his 'Jinx Three', Emile as Josef Strauss at age twenty-three, was once considered to be one of the ESF's most valuable aces. However, his shining career entered a downwards spiral the day he met a woman named Aria Grimm. Having fallen in love with the former Zaft mechanic, who had been arrested as a prisoner of war, Emile eventually defected in order to save her from her fate as a subject of 'forceful interrogations'. After shooting down several of his comrades during their escape within the Hypereon, the couple sought refuge on Maius Four. Having chosen to blind themselves to the reality of war. Yet there was no escape. Following the eruption of the Third Bloody Valentine War, Emile, under the Zaft banner, finally left his solitary life behind. Joining the fight against Liberian Works as a means of protecting Aria, whom was now his wife, and their unborn child. A fight he would never return from. Shortly after, Avris Grimm was born. With his father having died after joining the Zaft fleet, responsibility for the family business fell to Avris on the day of his thirteenth birthday. Thus, he spent his youth on Maius Four. Helping his mother manage their garage as the assistant, and eventually chief mechanic. However, in the wake of his seventeenth birthday, Avris sought to join the Zaft mobile suit fleet. Having become obsessed with the notion that they another war was inevitable ever since the Allaiance's assault on Aero months before. Worried she would lose him like she had lost his father, his mother objected. Only agreeing when once he stated that he neededvto be able to protect the things he loved. However, it wasn't until three years later, that Avris' journey began. After graduating from the academy second of his class, he had become an Elite pilot of Zaft. In honor of this, he was permitted to commission a custom mobile suit which he had been openly designing since his arrival at the academy. Thus, Avris obtained his first mobile suit, "the Stealth Astray", at the conclusion of his graduation ceremony. At which point he was also assigned to the Zaft battleship 'Caelestis'. It was shortly after that Avris had his first encounter with Rory McAlistar, who had been leading a three man rogue team of M.S. terrorists known as "Black Cross". Though Avris was sevrely injured during their duel, his life was spared when he was saved by a fellow Zaft pilot. Who single handedly chased of the trio. A turn of events that lead him to his first lover and mentor, Val Lenalee. For some months after that, Avris was reluctant to pilot an MS. Doubting that he was ready to protect anyone, despite his daily extra training sessions with Val. The Caelestis' most renowned ace. Luckily, these doubts were soon silenced, as Rory once again forced Avris' hand by ambushing the Caelestis after attacking another Zaft vessel as bait. Though they fought as equals this time around, it was the gang's numbers that tilted the scale. Avris was left with an ultimatum, to save the crippled sister ship, whose Mobiles Suits had already been destroyed and crew numbered nearly four-hundred. Leaving the Caelestis, and an injured Val to be shot down and killed, or to abandon it and keep Rory at bay. While he eventually chose to engage and strike down McAlistar, his hesitation caused Val to be killed. As she had sacrificed herself in a maneuver that protected the flustered Avris from being shot down by the rouge. Afterwards, he was revered as a hero. Having single handedly eliminated all of the Black Cross members in a blind rage, simultaneously suceeding in protecting the Caelestis in the process. Yet, despite being recognized as an Ace and granted command of a mobile suit squad, Avris felt no joy. As he had failed to do the very thing he sought power for. It was at this time that a frustrated and grief stricken Avris vowed to undertake a new purpose. Thus, the protector became an avenger, and 'The Grim Reaper of Zaft' was born. Still, it wasn't until three years later though, that Avris truly earned his comrades' respect. When the Caelestis experienced a Coup d'etat. Despite having been ordered to take no action by his captain, it was Avris who lead a resistance force against the mutineers and repelled a complete take over. Unfortunately, most of the ship's crew was lost when the leader of the mutineers attempted to crash the ship into Orb. Luckily, Avris was able to regain control of his mobile suit. As well as effectively use it to forcefully divert the ship to instead crash into the ocean. While it was theorized that the traitors may have been Actualizer agents, the truth was never unveiled. Primarily because none of them survived the crash and ensuing explosion. Due to the fact that his MS, 'the Stealth Astray', had been severly damaged after he used it to steer the ship during orbital re-entry, Avris was presented with a new MS as an reward. The ZGMF-X63A Gundam. Which had been renamed "Verity" in honor of his self proclaimed devotion to finding out the truth behind what the Actualizers were after. Recently, he has been reassigned, and continues to serve as an Zaft Officer. ---------- [Center][B] Mobile Suit[/b][/center] [B] Name:[/b] ZGMF-X63A Verity [B] Appearance:[/b] [hider=See Here] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/216/3/1/3d_tsx_01_x1_trias_by_csy5150-d44vdye.jpg[/img] [/hider] [B] Armaments:[/b] The Verity Gundam was designed as a multi-purpose MS that can handle a variety of combat situations without exchanging equipment during the battle. For close combat, the suit features not only two Beam boomerangs that double as beam sabers, but also an large Anti-Ship Sword or "A.S.S.", which is the preferred weapon-of-choice of its current pilot. In addition, it also features Eye Beam Cannons which are also used in extremely close combat. The suit has full flight capabilities in an atmosphere and the back-Mounted wing can be deployed in "High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode" to enhance its mobility within atmosphere or space. At which point the wing vertically splits into an identical pair of wings. Said wing is also used to form the Verity's A.S.S. Lastly, for defense the Verity can be equipped with a large physical shield which boasts an integrated beam shield generator. When activated, it is capable of creating a temporary beam shield over the shield's surface capable of reflecting most forms of attack. However, due to the amount of power required to sustain the active beam shield, none of the Verity's offensive armaments can be activated while it is in use. [B] Optional Armaments:[/b] For long-ranged battle, the Verity features an high output beam rifle, with two firing modes. A two round burst fire "Accuracy mode" and a full automatic rapid fire "Suppressor mode". While Accuracy mode temporarily trades rate of fire for increased power, range and accuracy, suppressor mode offers a seamlessly continuous rate of fire. Though this is at the expense of power, range and accuracy, making the rifle effective only within close to mid range as opposed to mid to long. [B] Additional Info:[/b] Developed as a high-performance and versatile machine, the Verity's design allows for multiple external and internal weaponry. During the design process, it was deemed that a standard MS frame would hinder the overall performance of the Verity in terms of maneuverability and the ability to operate its weapons quickly to be used to maximum effect. The designers solved the problem by incorporating an armor dividing system. This system works in conjunction with a sliding mechanism for the dividing armor panels. The internal frame is composed of smaller and flexible components which utilize armor panels that can separate into smaller portions to allow the leg units to move through its full range of motion. The joints are constructed of the same materials found in Phase Shift armor. When activated, it is possible to adjust the stiffness of the joints during motion. The reaction also produces a metallic glow when the joints are active. The result is an overall increase in the joint range of motion and flexibility of the arm and leg units. However, this occurs at the cost of vulnerable areas on the exposed sections of the armor. This problem was partially alleviated by mapping out the achievable ranges of motion of the frame using Avris' combat performance to determine the most efficient way to separate the armor parts. This gave the Verity sufficient defense without sacrificing maneuverability and speed. Although the unit met its operational requirements and was accepted, unfortunately, various problems remain to be solved, including maintenance problems and complex component construction methods for production. The most unique aspect of Verity is its Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor, and Eon Drive. The Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor is Verity's primary power source, providing the necessary power to support all of it's energy consuming abilities. Because the nuclear reactor made the Deuterion Beam system unnecessary, Verity can't be easily recharged, despite rarely having to be. The Eon drive was produced by upgrading ZAFT's version of the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system, it greatly increases the suit's speed at cost of stability and is frequently used in close combat against multiple opponents. It should be noted that the Verity is also equipped with a with a Neutron Jammer Canceller to allow it's nuclear reactor to work in areas affected by Neutron Jammers. It functions on the Gunnery United Nuclear-Dueterion Advanced Maneuver operating system. Verity stands at a head height of 18.08 meters, 59.318 ft, 711.811 in, weighs a max 79.44 metric tons and has a pilot only standard cockpit in torso. Verity's head crest displays the text "X-63A TERZA", which means "Third" in Italian and is a reference to Verity's series number. The "A" in its code number represents that it is a Third Stage, nuclear class mobile suit.