- Andromeda - "that's interesting, i wonder why he did that" she smiled "my dad's american but my mom's greek" she looked over at him "why did cooking hurt? did you burn yourself a lot?" "snakes are pretty cool, if you know ho to handle them, i've never had a snake hurt me" she chuckled. she looked towards the lounge area "yes, i suppose we should go, maybe you can cook dinner for me another time" she starts towards the lounge "do you want to walk with me Zivon?" - Oona - Oona was happy that Garden didn't mind the hug and how she called her sweet. the hug garden gave her was nice as well. "oh i doubt it's another attack but we better go since it's probably important" she watched with an amused smile as Garden picked up the kitten and came back to her "let's go" and she head for the lounge. - Alistair - "it was fun" he said, smiling at the memories, a drop of moisture hit his hand. he quickly wiped at his eyes and hoped she hadn't seen "i would love to go home some day, but i can't even make it off the island, so i'm stuck" he liked how determined she was "ok" he smiled "i guess i'll come with you" and followed her towards the lounge.