Nah, Arthur isn't in it at all. I think Flooby might have used those names symbolically, or it could have been coincidental. *shrugs* Anywho, I'm not even gonna try to attempt to explain the current story arc with the overlord and the heirs and such, because my Lord was so damn far away from all that that I just kinda disregarded it for the most part. Someone else would be better suited to explain. But as for the story as a whole, basically you've got this country - Lundland - which operates as a typical medieval nation: a King (or Overlord) rules the nation, but has a bunch of Lords under him who own the land. You play as one of these Lords, and basically control your own faction in Lundland. You are largely independent, and can wage war on other Lords and stuff (or really do whatever the hell you want - Flooby has been awesome about not confining players to certain actions). There are also a bunch of hostile nations all around, making life rather difficult. So.. That's it in a nutshell