Karela watched with eyes that were at first narrowed as she saw what appeared to be a green pill went into an unfamiliar shinobi's mouth. Her eyes widened in amazement as the man who had ingested the pill...his chakra began to grow at an exponential rate. She shot forth out of the trees with near blinding speed as the leaf Shinobi...or former leaf shinobi's fist began to expand as it shot towards Lady Kaede. She refused to believe that anyone who could attack other members of their own village didn't deserve to be called a Leaf Village shinobi. She could tell that he was of the Akimichi clan and she knew with her next act she could easily die. But she was worth it. She couldn't reach Lady Kaede in time to push her out of the way without hurting her but she could save Kaede's life from the Akimichi clan attacker. Karela shot through the air like an arrow and slammed into Kaede, hopefully knocking her out of the way but unfortunately for her, leaving her directly in front of the attacker. "Do your worst!" She snarled as she hit the ground [i]This is really going to hurt.[/i]