[b]Note:[/b] At this time, all god slots are filled. If you'd like to app a hero, head on over to the OOC~ [b]OOC:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/46980/posts/ooc?page=1]Here.[/url] [b][center]Story[/b][/center] A god. A being which embodies concepts and attributes of the world and of reality, possessing authority over these domains. A god is a mind with supernatural powers, but "supernatural" is relative. When Man took authority of the world, the gods faded away in time. For every authority Man mastered, the gods lost. Even the aspects beyond Man such as the Sun and Moon lost the unique authority possessed when Man attempted to understand, attempted to remove the aspect of "supernatural". The will of the "gods" still existed, but what had made them gods, what had given them value, was gone. They were monopolizers who now faced competition. Their uniqueness had ceased to exist. In this way, the advent of Man led to the fading away of the gods. The world progressed predictably, the supernatural vanquished by the unknowing humanity. Save of course, for the pieces of the world Man had chosen to forget. The life force of the world that gave the gods existence still existed, its capacity to do so had not changed. The mind of the gods had not faded, only their authority over the world. A "demon", a "monster" forgotten to time, a supernatural being who had not been extinguished by humanity's domain, understood this fact. And so a ritual was performed. A ritual to stir up the power of the world, to increase the power of the gods beyond human possibility. A god of Chaos able to manipulate the foundational nothing, and thus alter reality at its whims. A god of Order able to define new "systems" with regards to reality. In other words, this demon's ritual would make the gods "gods" once more, a new flux of power bringing them back into the spotlight of the world. This was the first stage of the ritual. The second was even simpler. A siphoning of the energy output by the world before it could reach the gods. In other words, provoking the world to output energy for the gods, and then hijacking that very energy. By this, the demon ascended, stealing power meant for the gods and becoming a god in his own right. However, the ritual was not a complete success. Some of the energy reached human vessels that it designated as the target of the gods, giving them the equivalent of their former power back, and awakening the godly might from its eternal slumber. The gods were given form again, given power, and given authority, though the "true potential" of the gods was still locked, sealed up in the energy controlled by the demon. You are those gods. You have awakened at long last, and possess only one goal. Become the One True God. There are obstacles that stand in your way. The foremost of these is the Demon King who now commands the power of a god in his own right. He seeks to destroy each of you so that he can assume control of reality for himself, and is an obstacle you cannot defeat alone, with your current power. The second is your fellow gods. You must fight against the Demon King, and destroy him. You must fight against your fellow gods, and either destroy them, or subjugate them to your will. I wish you luck. --- [b][center]Mechanics[/b][/center] This functions in a relatively simple way. Your characters are simple ordinary humans, who wake up on day to find that the power of the world has flowed into them, and changed them into gods. The goals for your characters, as outlined above, are to defeat the Demon King so that you can unlock your full potential as a god, and to defeat your fellow gods so that you can become the One True God. Until the Demon King is defeated, the gods are limited in what they can do. They can manipulate aspects of the world physically and magically, and generate effects in line with their domain. However, a priori altering of reality and the like is impossible until the Demon King is defeated. The best way to mentally conceptualize the gods before the Demon King's death is at the same level as a Greek God. They're still obscenely powerful because they are in fact gods, but they do not have absolute authority over their concept. They also cannot accomplish feats at a planetary level, or anything of that nature. After the Demon King dies though, the gods become able to alter reality in line with their domain at their wishes, in a conceptual means. Those are the general guidelines. If you are taking an action you feel is "iffy" for the power scaling, ask about it just to verify if it'll be okay or not. There are a set amount of gods, and thus if you join by the time all the god positions are taken you are free to make a "hero". There is no cap on heroes so you can always join, but it's still one character a person, so keep that in mind. A hero is a champion of a god's, a being who, through answered prayers, possesses a fragment of the god's power. Heroes are used by the gods to undertake various missions, the foremost of which is the need to appeal a god's cause to humanity. After all, a god who has humanity backing them will be in a better position than one who doesn't. Heroes can range from valiant warriors and crusaders to priests, but when a prayer is made to a god to ask for power, the god in question must consciously decide to give their follower a boon or not. Those who play gods though should keep in mind that you have no followers at the beginning. If you want heroes to join your cause, you need to build your church from the ground-up. No, you don't need another RPer's permission to kill their character. You do however need to plan intelligently, so consider that. That said, no controlling people's characters, no autohitting, no doing things you shouldn't be able to do. You guys should know this. In battles, if your opponent does an action, you are allowed to have your character take an action concurrent to it if you weren't doing something previously. If your character is doing something secretive like setting up traps, you can tell me privately if you don't want it to be public. Also, no discussing plans with others OOC. If your characters are talking about something secret, you don't need to include it in your posts, but make sure it is sent to me so I can make sure you aren't just making stuff up when situations arise. --- [b][center]Godly Domains[/b][/center] -(Moon, Night, Prophecy): BuriedComic7 (God), IrishAngel (Hero) -(Light, Justice, Sun/Day, Order): GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow (God), Enkas (Hero) -(Darkness, Underworld/Death, The Dead): Tatsua -(War, Chaos(Battle), Violence): Enalais -(Water/Seas, Storms, Healing, Sleep(Dreams)): Ryu -(Earth(Planet), Hunting, Wilderness): DragonBeastMode -(Air/Skies, Winds, Messenger, Travel): Oni_ -(Soul, Magic, Chaos(Primordial Void)): ActRaiserTheReturned -(Falsehoods, Luck, Chance): Class Rep -(Vengeance, Corruption, Terror, Madness, Passion): Granttank -(Creativity, Invention, Hearth(Civilization)): BB-ojou-chan -(Beauty, Wisdom, Love, Pleasure): CallaLily180 --- [b][center]Character Templates[/b][/center] [b][center]God[/b][/center] Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Personality: History: Domain: [b][center]Hero[/b][/center] Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Personality: History: God They Serve: Abilities: Note: this does not include powers given by the gods. That is decided by the gods themselves in-RP. This is just the abilities of the human themself. Equipment: --- If you have any questions, let me know. Let's all have fun together~