WIP. Username: LowKey123. Name: Age: 27 Gender: Male. Schedule: Education Level: Master’s in Clinical Psychology. Life Goal: To become a successful psychologist, maybe have two kids, retire, obviously, and oh, get married too. Current Goal: Well, his current goal is to get a good resume. Appearance: Personality: Well, he has the traits of a psychologist, first and foremost. Probably one of the most important ones, he is an effective listeners. Now, some people may be thinking, hey, I’m a good listener! Well, yeah, you may be, but something you see in psychologists is that they’re effective listeners. Which means, better than lots of other listeners. So, carefully listening, while thinking greatly about what may be the root of their problem, for the first one. He has medium self-awareness, so he is aware of his issues and traits, but not too much his nuances. So. The differences in body language and facial expression, he usually isn’t that aware of those. He is semi-approachable, and tries to get people to feel comfortable actually talking to him. Now, this is a trait he only really tried to develop recently, so it is not very well-developed, but it is something he is trying to work on. He is a bit confident. Not really confident , so he may not be the best psychologist in the world with this trait. In fact, he may not be a good one at all, unless he starts fixing on his confidence a lot more. So, now for his other traits. He is an Aquarius, and as such, he has some Aquarius traits. Such as, he is a bit unemotional, and that actually makes for a good psychologist, because if you are, then you will be too focused on your or your patient’s emotions and such. So yeah, this is actually a good thing. But, despite being unemotional on the exterior, he is actually a bit of a kind-hearted human being sometimes, mostly with friends that he knows really well and such. He also has a good way with dealing with others that he finds slightly annoying and such. Reason for moving into the dorm: Well, since he is a part-time worker, he needs a bit of a place to stay. So, first he got to a hotel, and then, he found about this dorm. Well, this would be a good place to stay, he thought, so he moved in. Romantic/Sexual Experience: Well, he has had his fair share of relationships. He could still count them on one hand though, no worries. Okay, for the first one, and most of these he met in high school, There was this girl. Okay, first, this girl was in a club that he was in, which wasn’t really in the school. I mean, it was, but- okay, it was nearby the school, like you just needed to walk one block from his house to the school, and it was the same for this club. Now, this club was a visual arts/animation club. And, since it was this, aspiring animators came. So, when he found a girl there, he took an interest in this girl. And not just for the looks, this girl told jokes. And so, being in the same club, which actually was a bit small, they all became friends in the club. Then, soon after, there was this perfectly placed prom. So, obviously, he asked this girl to the prom. They went to the prom, on an actual date. Soon, they went steady, and he realized something; this girl was the jealous type. So, he got fed up, and he broke it off. She was not happy. And so, he avoided said girl. Some people might have said, ‘Oh, bruh, Y U so wimpy,’ but no, no, shut up. See, every time you break a girl’s heart, she may have the chance to unleash her rage and destroy/humiliate you, then you best be afraid. Then, she made an animation with his most embarrassing moments. Moral of this story for him? BITCHES BE CRAZAY. Fast forward to Sophmore year, Then, there was this next girl. Actually, this girl was in a group of girls. And he liked two of them. But, the first one he tried to approach, it was not the girl that he actually really fell for. See, there was the CARNAVAL, and so, there’d be some BITCHAS, and so maybe he’d get some PUSSAY, but NOAP. He just wanted to be really friendly, and make some more good friends. So, he approached the first girl, and so she introduced him to these others. Then, they all became best frieeends. Well, not best friends, but he was tight with some of them. His actual best friend wasn’t the girl that introduced him to her friends, it was actually another one, with a name he can’t recall. So, they became pretty tight. It was kind of the same with the other girl, they got to honeymoon-ish stage, got comfortable. But then, dis girl. Dis girl. Hold on, let me get my coke-*slurp*, okay, this girl was going to transfer to a highschool in Canada. So, since the time she was going to leave was right around the corner, soon enough, they’d have to start a long range relationship. So, they did. And it wasn’t comfortable. So, he broke it off. She understood how it was, actually, she kind of felt the same way. So, yaaay. Moral of the story? SOME BITCHES AIN’T CRAZAAAY. Good lord that was a lot. History: TBR. Notes: