Carlton was sitting in the front seat next to Rita trying to keep his eyes open as he drifted in and out of a listless sleep. However the car rocked as it moved through a pothole in the road and Carlton was soon shaken awake as they came upon their destination. Carlton looked up at the sign as they slowly passed it and Rita called out the name "Old wood village". Carlton couldn't help but grin at the odd name and turned to Rita, "Hopefully any folks we bump into aren't as odd as their namesake". Carlton looked round as the car moved on and glanced over the fields with small farm houses dotting the area and then what looked like the village ahead of them.. It barely equaled the size of a small estate in the city but Carlton thought to himself that it had an odd homely appeal to it. As the car came to a stop, Carlton composed himself and followed after Rita as she quickly jumped out of the car, clearly eager to find an empty property. "Remind me again how a stupid young girl managed to convince a respectable old loser like me to do this again?" Carlton called out to Rita, as he watched on as she strode off towards the village in the distance.