:sun You're welcome! Just a note for anyone who wants to join, remember that you don't have to be a combat-focused character, or someone who was in one of the House's militaries. :) Variety is key! It'll take all types to topple the Elements. Also, Kilt, would you mind terribly if I brought back Red Dawn, but as one of the Champions this time? I [i]would[/i] go for Clipper (and if I join I'll definitely have her play a role at some point), but she's very much a "GM-character", a leader of the group rather than a member. Red Dawn was going to be a recurring villain in the original game, but in this one I could skip ahead to where I was planning he'd end up (namely, on the side of the heroes). What do you think? EDIT: Oh, and under Factions, I don't think it should be limited to just the Houses. Some of the characters can be affiliated with non-House groups, or even more than one House, like Clipper, you know?