[hider=Appearance][center][img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/4d/1a/42/4d1a42a484b97f4568b9ad80c6a6952e.jpg][/center][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Asgard, Leader of the Ultimatum [b]Age:[/b] Ageless. Physically appears 23. [b]Birth Date:[/b] Irrelevant. [b]Skin Tone:[/b] Fair. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blood red. [b]Hair Color:[/b] Golden. [b]Height:[/b] Irrelevant. [b]Weight:[/b] Irrelevant. [b]Attributes:[/b] All Magic. [b]Gestalt:[/b] Asgard dons a full set of golden armor joined by a flowing crimson cape. This is his true form, and thus he may use the full potential of his weapon, the Infinitum. [b]Personality:[/b] Asgard is cold and ruthless. He aims to complete any and all missions with the utmost effectivity and smallest margin for error. As such, he is merciless to his foes with an icy aura. To his subordinates and those below him, Asgard is commanding and stoic, inspiring fear and loyalty to all who fight in the name of the Ultimatum. He places his duty and position in the Ultimatum above all else, choosing to carry its will without question or hesitation. [b]Weapon:[/b] [i]Infinitum:[/i] Asgard's initial weapon is a massive broadsword that is powerful enough to shatter armor of many kinds as well as calling forward a variety of magic. The sword on its own is mighty enough to demolish mere mountains with a single swing, but it actually encompasses two more blades into the sides of the main one. This means that Infinitum is essentially three whole swords in one. Asgard is able to manipulate all three I them simultaneously via magic. [b]Powers and Abilities:[/b] As a member and rightful leader of the Ultimatum, Asgard can obviously travel the dimensions with little to no difficulty. Like any Ultimatum member, he is fully adept in the art of magic and technology combined, though prefers the use of mainly magic to achieve his goals. Despite mainly using his signature blade, Infinitum, he can also summon forward a variety of other swords as well. [b]Brief History:[/b] In the beginning of all times and spaces, it is said that the Ultimatum gifted all worlds with light and life. Taking a solemn oath to watch over the far reaches of reality, the existence and power of the Ultimatum eventually became lost in myth, shrouded in legend. Soon, the massive business known as Deux Corporation, over time, became the world's only leading government. So it was to everyone's greatest surprise when Deux Corporation not only proved the existence of the Ultimatum to the world, but also declared war on it for unknown reasons. As such, ever prideful Asgard cast away his vanity and sought out help in this war using mere mortals...