[center][b]Name[/b] Terra Asterius Zala [b]Gender[/b] Female [img=http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k604/orggilala/TerraAsterius.png] [b]Height:[/b] 5' 5" [b]Weight:[/b] 103 lbs [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Born a:[/b] Coordinator [b]Alliance:[/b] AERO [b]Bio:[/b] George Allster, the Vice Foreign Minister of the Atlantic Federation who was thought to be fighting against the Coordinator outbreak within the world actually had a second coordinator child. Against his will, the mother-- Relena Allster had consented the genetic engineering of her second child. George Allster was going to have his word with his wife after his mission was finished but unfortunately, his death came before he ever reached Relena. As a result, Terra was born in late 71 C.E. with later Relena remarrying with another man known as Remus Asterius in 72 C.E. Remus was a genius cloning specialist recruited among Al Da Flaga's secret organisation that continually clones copies of himself. Remus embraced Terra with open arms and Terra herself accepted him as his biological father and spent most of her life involving herself with him whenever possible. However, the outbreak of the Third Bloody Valentine War resulted in many casualties including the remarried Relena Asterius and his step-daughter Terra Asterius. Incredibly broken and griefing for both of their deaths, he took his privileges as the genius scientist of Al Da Flaga's secret organisation and performed something else underneath their noses. He attempted to clone both Relena and Terra, with Relena having the accelerated aging procedure and Terra was left to normally develop as a coordinator in 77 C.E. His attempt to clone Relena failed, breaking him down into a depression and later taking his own life due to the stress, leaving Terra to develop in the tube for several years until she was discovered in 80 C.E. by AERO representatives in critical condition. The cloned Terra Asterius that became the original was raised in a remote safe colony where she was taught how to walk properly and how to string together words that expresses how she feels. Her Coordinator nature allowed her to learn things quickly despite having to learn these basic life skills at a very late age. She quickly thrived and became a bright young girl as a result of the good care of the colonists and then passed on to Athrun Zala and Cagalli Yula Zala in 81 C.E. who took Terra with them and took full responsibility over her like their real child. Life begins as normal as it could be for Terra. She went to school at the normal age for kindergartens to enter and worked her way up the grades with a breeze-- Making both of her adoptive parents happy of her progress. It wasn't until she was 13 that things began to change. Something had stirred up on Earth and Athrun had to leave both Cagalli and Terra behind to support a Nation in the military. The concerned child questioned her mother about what was happening with her father before Cagalli's reassuring attempts placed doubt and worry into Terra. Three years of being dejected from her father had declined her progress in secondary school and developed a dark side into her personality. She became restless and physical with everything. The safe return of Athrun Zala was openly welcomed by both Cagalli and Terra, at which quickly healed Terra's pain and suffering. As Terra's progress improve after the return of her father, she came back to the usual happy and cheery Terra-- Although Cagalli couldn't help but feel as though her heart has been scarred from Terra's separation while at the same time, not having broken the news of her being an adopted child. On her 17th Birthday, the two made a decision to reveal the truth about who Terra was and how she came to be. Athrun and Cagalli didn't expect such a very reluctant yet accepting manner of Terra's response. It did however, made a change inside of her. Later in the year, she joined AERO to follow her father's footsteps, although slightly different as Athrun had served in Orb. Upon the day of her departure, Cagalli was worried sick about Terra's decision to join AERO that she wasn't able to make it to her commissioning day. Athrun was with her, introducing Terra to Commander Kira Yamato who was his childhood and good friend of his. He reassured her that under his command, everything would be alright and she had a bright future in front of her if she aspire herself to be more like Kira than Athrun, to which she defended that Athrun was the superior. Fast forward 2 years later, aboard the Terminus, she was sent on an unarmed GM mobile suit to seek out an abandoned wreckage with her squad. She found the torso and head of a mobile suit that seemed… Off in a way. Her Coordinator instincts speaks loudly inside of her head to retrieve it. Following her instincts, she took the mobile suit's wreck and returned to the Flagship before presenting the Mechanic and Kira about her find, which identified the Mobile Suit wreck to be the remains of the Zeta Gundam. The question of possibilities to have it restored to its original state was a difficult question to tackle as the mechanic mentions that the technology dates back to the U.C. and to restore it to its full glory would require time and effort. Terra begged Kira to its recovery, telling him a sense of connection and attachment to the Mobile Suit until he gave her a reluctant approval and the repairs began to take place. Terra was sighted visiting the broken Zeta and seemingly be 'in-touch' with the Mobile Suit. Turn of the Century. It was reported that the recovered Zeta Gundam was successfully revived with all of its previous features built into it with small modifications. The news reached Terra quite quickly and Kira was also aware of the successful revival. After years of waiting the Zeta was ready for commissioning and Terra couldn't be more excited. Kira, after seeing her being attached so much to the Mobile Suit designated her as the Pilot of the Zeta. Terra, adopted child of Athrun Zala and is now 22 years of age serving in AERO, would be having a large amount of things put onto her plate in the turn of the century. ---- [b]Mobile Suit[/b] [img=http://www.gunjap.net/site/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/2407.jpg] [b]Name[/b] MSZ-006 ZETA Gundam [b]Armaments[/b] The ZETA Gundam was a descendant of the infamous White Devil. It is a general multi-purpose Mobile Suit armed with the signature Head-Mounted Machine Gun used in Close Combat or Anti-Missile scenarios. With the current technology rendering bullets useless, it is rarely used beyond the Anti-Missile objective. The ZETA also sports a 2-tube grenade launcher in each forearms as a weapon against defenses that can repel Beam-based projectiles. The grenade launcher fires two grenades in quick succession per trigger pull, resulting a total of 8 grenades stored inside the forearm. The ZETA also is equipped with a grappling wire used to immobilize enemy mobile suits. It can be equipped with an explosive warhead to deal damage as well. It is also equipped with a Beam Saber/Beam Gun at which can be used as a melee weapon or a ranged weapon when in its waverider mode. The main weapon of choice before the two beam sabers is the BOWA Beam Rifle-- A powerful 5.7MW high-energy beam rifle that can emit an I-Field beam saber on its barrel, making it a melee weapon when the situation calls for it. ZETA also comes equipped with an arm-mounted shield that is coated with anti-beam coating. Its shield also doubles as a nose for the waverider form of the ZETA. [b]Optional Armaments[/b] When firepower is preferred over ZETA's multi-purpose capabilities, it can also be equipped with a Hyper Mega Launcher, a 'big brother' to the BOWA Beam Rifle that has an energy output of 8.3 MW that also doubles as a large beam saber. [b]Additional Info[/b] The ZETA comes specially equipped with a modified version of the Bio Sensor, allowing it to be used with a Coordinator Pilot. It allows mental commands to be intergrated with the exosuit of the ZETA, becoming more responsive and agile as a result. It still has its flaw from the original version. When a Coordinator enters a state of emotional pressure or SEED, the Bio-Sensor amplifies Zeta's strength, speed and power temporarily. The ZETA is powered by a Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactor with a power output of 2020 kW and a sensor range of 14000 meters. The ZETA is cockpit is equipped with a panoramic monitor, allowing full frontal vision of the pilot. [/center] EDIT: Not finished alright? I will also be proposing my custom ZETA.