Name: Titan/rusthead Age: Unknown Gender: N/A Appearance: [img=] Species: Ancient Golem Powers/Abilities: [b]Golem[/b] Aside from being twice the size of a human being, incredibly strong, and made of solid steel, golems are incredibly hard to kill. While lacking any form of vital organ to strike, one needs to destroy their core, which can be in any location in their body, so even a strike that gets through may not kill a golem. Furthermore, they feel no pain, do not tire, and cannot be affected by mind-altering spells, lacking a mind to alter. They are in many ways the perfect soldiers. Golems do not heal naturally, but most be repaired by a powerful golem mage. [b]Ancient Steel[/b] Titan was once the guardian of an ancient Aetherian ruin, protecting it for thousands of years. It was created to withstand the Witchplagued Demons that eventually wiped out the Aetherian civilisation. As such, Flamesteel's armor is imbued with powerful anti-magic, preventing most weaker magics from even affecting him, and weakening the effects of other magics that might be used against the golem. This is especially effective against demonic or dark magic. [b]Flaming Core[/b] Zargo used the burning heart of a Dragon to revive Titan from his slumber, providing him with an energy source. The fire of the dragon's soul keeps the golem moving, functioning as a kind of supplementary soul. This causes Titan to be constantly superheated, his steel armor burning to the touch. He can focus the flames of the Dragon Heart into bursts of flame which can emit from his armor, or intentionally increase his temperature. However, this depletes the flames of the Dragon Heart, and he will need to be recharged by Zargo's arts if he uses this too much. Items: A heavy Tower Shield of the same material as Titan, and a large sword. [img='s%20Wooden%20Great%20Sword%20large.jpg] [img=] History: Once, the Aetherians were a powerful folk of fey-like creatures, forming vast floating cities of magic and power. However, their power made them powerful enemies. One day, the Aetherian Emperor, Arkalias Zerikay, decided to halt death itself, and went to war with the Death Angels, the Reaper, and the forces of Heaven itself. Thousands died on both sides, as the Aetherians used ancient magics equal even to the divine power of the angels. Some believe the Aetherians would have won, and become masters of the universe. Some believe they would have been crushed either way. However, the demon lord Zekyral allied himself with the forces of Heaven, wishing to preserve the old order of things. Many other demon lords rallied to Zekyrals flag, and they launched a horde of Spellplague demons. While the Aetherians marched up to the gates of heaven, their feet on the earth were destroyed by the demons, and their entire civilisation came crumbling down. In this massive war, Titan was one of billions of foot soldiers. However, what diferrences him from his fellows is that when the war ended, Titan had been locked into a cave, and shut down from energy loss. Unlike the other golems, he was not destroyed. Zarrick, upon excavating the nearly undamaged golem, worked many months on resurrecting the golem, attempting to find an alternative energy source. Now, Titan works as a bodyguard and assistant to Zarrick, having lost all other purpose. Furthermore, being powered by a dragon's soul has caused him to gain some degree of sentience, which has raised some interesting matters. Crush/Relationship: None, yet. Friends/Family: Considers Zarrick his family. Other: For some reason, enjoys country music.