Methuzar and Yennefer had focused on gaining confidence in simple take off and landing. Once in the air Methuzar's bulk was steady as stone and he flew with great control and calmness, even though his agility and speed was lesser than the other dragons. Still Yennefer could imagine him supporting one of his smaller injured brethren in flight while Yennefer herself tried to tend to its wounds. That was something to think about later though, for now she just had to get used to the crashing landings and lurching take offs of her giant dragon, feeling as though she was about the be catapulted off his back each time. Suddenly she and Methuzar felt a polite and magnificent force breach their minds. Obsidian Nova's mind demanded respect, his thoughts alike to a grand cathedral, stretching high up above their own with intricate design and both beautiful and ominous patterns. Methuzar was comparitively used to his presence but Yennefer shivered compulsively at the sudden contact and had had to quickly gain control of her impulses to not try and flee or attack her mentor's mind. She managed it and respectfully listened to his thoughts and suggestions, how to brace herself when Methuzar was about to take off, how to relax when he landed, how Methuzar could make it easier on his dainty rider. They both tried the suggestions under Obsidian Nova's dutiful attention and after a very few tries and a few more suggestions from him they had both mastered it and endeavoured to imprint the stances into memory, both being dedicated pupils. It was then that Obsidian Nova announced they were ready to leave, projecting to everyone to ready themselves. Yennefer quickly retrieved her large medicine pack with her various instruments and herbs along with person effects before securing it tightly to her back. She noted Methuzar gazing off toward the Amethyst dragon, watching as she claimed her gems and sighing at her beauty. He was obviously quite enamored of her appearance even though she noted he did not entirely approve of her personality. This interested her, she wondered how he felt about his other siblings and that brought her mind to the other tamers. Most of them seemed to be warriors, grand knightly individuals who could definately hold their own in battle. This gave her a brief twinge of concern. She was no warrior, what if the training was already too advanced for her? Her brow knitted for a moment before Methuzar's nose came down to meet her and blew warm air over her. [i]Your mind is your weapon My Lady and I have more than enough strength for the both of us. I chose you because we are two halves of a whole that is equal when together.[/i] She still frowned. [b]"But you have an equal, if not greater, mind than my own Sir.."[/b] To this Methuzar shook his head in a slow yet massive and definitive motion. [i]Not so My Lady.[/i] And he was right. Upon closer inspection Yennefer saw his meaning. Although his mind was great and cunning and wise in certain ways, in others he was too blunt, too instinctual, a grand tactician in battle for everyone but himself. She slowly smiled, she was needed as well. Safe in this knowledge, she continued her climb of his foreleg and once she had settled down in the position Obsidian Nova had taught her they both took to the sky. They easily aligned themselves into the diamond formation, taking the back point of the left in order to accommodate Methuzar's enormous bulk and not get in anyone's way. The trip there had been peaceful for the both of them, Methuzar barely experiencing any fatigue at the long flight, his slow and stable flight very sustainable for him. Yennefer was encased in her dragon's warmth, being so low to his body, she barely felt the cold snap of wind when it caught her dress or her hair. It got her thinking about a dragon's homeostatic temperature and metabolism. Methuzar seemed to run hotter than most every other creature she could think of yet she knew from his mind that he had good stamina and one meal could last him a long time. What manner of digestive solutions did his system use for such good energy conservation? Her mind burst with theories and possibilities, scrapping one idea to immediately pick up another one like fitting a puzzle together. This entertained them both throughout the long flight, Methuzar offering his personal experience into her conjectures at certain points and deeply enjoying the intricate tapestry of thought that his Tamer's mind wove. They eventually arrived at the Forest Garden, Methuzar giving Yennefer a very brief circle over its extent to satisfy her curiousity. They remembered their landing postures and Methuzar came down with an earthy and vibrating thud that shivered through the long grass around them. Yennefer dismounted lightly, like a butterfly hopping from the back of a bear, it must have looked quite an amusing sight but she could not care less. Her eyes were wide as she spun around, trying to take in the beauty and sacred power she felt thrumming all around her. The amount of knowledge stored in this place must be astronomical, it made her shiver with an academic thrill. However her star-struck state was broken when Merrick began speaking, her attention caught and held immediately. She nodded just a little to his words, yes this place was to be respected, although she generally considered the world to be respected equally, she couldn't help but be effected by the aura of generations of history that the ground held. Obsidian Nova slid away gracefully and once Merrick had given them brief instruction he also left. So, she had the evening to herself? She thought a moment, consulted with Methuzar, before deciding that first she should settle into her quarters. Methuzar slowly paced towards the Halls, Yennefer jogging slightly to keep up with him as he lead her to his own abode. They both bowed very low to Obsidian Nova as they passed, gently murmuring 'Mentor' before quietly leaving, mindful of disturbing him. Methuzar's alcove was at the end of the hall, supposedly to make sure his great bulk didn't cause block ups when going down the Hall, although he was not yet at his full size to cause things like that. His dish seemed harder that the others having been fashioned from granite and nothing else. The centre was dipped and smoother than the outside, worn down by Methuzar's coarse scales. A few large pillows were strewn throughout it but they seemed more for support and less for softness. His stall was devoid of much comfort in general, everything being very sturdy and unbreakable and usually cemented to the ground, although Yennefer noted Methuzar's own hoard of shining metals and blue and white gems which he quickly checked over, snuffing at it gently before curling into his dish and staring at it with a delighted sigh. Yennefer had smiled at this small display of dragonish behaviour as she strolled about the wide open stall. She had taken the parchment with the schedule of their days written on it in beautiful caligraphic writing and was studying it. Five thirty rising time? She was very glad of that, never being one for lie ins and normally having to rise early to check on patients. However she did note the large amount of physical practice that was timetabled and then looked down at her dress. It had large pockets and an over dress that was easily washed of blood and other bodily fluids but it wasn't very practical to run or fight in. She would have to fashion herself some manner of trousers and shirt, she had riding leggings, perhaps they could be adjusted? Looking at the sun she realised she had very little time so she got to work. Climbing her way up the ornate ladder she ignored the beauty and luxury of her new home and set about organising the place around her into a proper doctors office, picking out work tables and desks and draws for herbs and cool dry places for remedies. The bookshelves caught her attention for a moment, tempting her with titles like 'Anatomy of a Dragon' and 'The Nature of the Dragon Bond'. But she exercised control and went back to her organisation. She had done this many times before so it took her very little time and soon enough she had out her needle and thread and a few extra clothes she knew she wouldn't need and set at the riding jodhpurs. Within a half hour she had the basic planning and pinning done, now all she had to do was sew it all together. A small press of her dragon's mind made her aware of how hungry she was and after a while she decided she should attend this feast, she could bring her sewing with her. Methuzar seemed tired but still insisted upon accompanying her, having her sit on his nose so that he could lower her to the ground rather than attempt the ladder with only one hand and an armful of cloth and thread. Just before she had left her loft the Books had been too much of a draw and she had quickly picked out one concerning anatomy before lowering herself onto Methuzar's snout. It took little time for them to walk to the circle of oak trees when Yennefer was carried there by Methuzar, sewing all the way with the book open in front of her on a page about Dragon Cartilage density and composition. She had to be given a little reminding nudge to realise they had arrived. The trip down Methuzar's leg was a little precarious when carrying sewing and a large tome but she was very careful and kept her balance to hop down relatively elegantly from his paw to the ground. Upon walking into the circle of Tamers around the ornately craved stone table she bowed a little and smiled politely to everyone around her. After taking a quick look about her she found a chair and set herself down with the book open on her lap along with the sewing as Methuzar curled himself up behind her on the soft grass.