[hider=Custom Zeta] [b]Name[/b] MSZ-006-Zeta Full Burner N [img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/045/2/3/zeta_gundam_roux_custom_by_haganef-d5uyehl.jpg] [b]Armaments[/b] The ZFBN is a General Purpose/Artillery-Support Mobile Suit. It is equipped with two 50 mW chest-mounted revised and compact version of the Smart Beam Gun dubbed the "Self Navigating Unit Barrel Gun" or S.N.U.B. Gun that locks on to targets on its own and fired manually by the pilot. Its velocity is said to be near-light speed meaning that it is virtually impossible for locked on targets to dodge the beam rifle shot once it is fired. This allows the Full Burner to essentially 'snipe' targets within its proximity. The S.N.U.B. Gun has a range of 500 meters, meaning that it is only possible for hit-and-run guerrilla tactics or as a close-combat weapon. It is also equipped with its signature 6 mW BOWA Beam Rifle dubbed "V2H Excalibur" that doubles as a Beam Saber when the needs call. The technology uses an e-pac magazine that can be reloaded in the field. The designated pilot Terra prefers it as its main offensive weapon. On its hip, it stores a regular .3 mW I-Field Beam Saber. The ZFBN's design made it obsolete for it to carry an anti-beam coated shield, which means that it relies on dodging enemies's attacks in both long range and close range combat. It also sports a head-mounted machine gun that acts as an anti-missile weapon. [b]Optional Armaments[/b] When the ZFBN is preferred to be its Artillery-Support role, it is equipped with a HELR Beam Cannon instead of the V2H Excalibur. It is an artillery weapon that is capable of firing a beam blast four times stronger than normal beam weapons. Because of its size and power output, the ZFBN may be prone to powering down faster than normal. [b]Additional Information[/b] The ZFBN uses a different power plant than its original. It uses the Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor-- a hybrid power plant that virtually produces endless amounts of energy. Because it uses the Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor, it's OS is also upgraded to Terminal's Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module. An N-Jammer Canceller is also installed on the Mobile Suit to allow the power plant to work. The ZFBN is capable of morphing itself into its Waverider form (sorry there were no pictures for it :( ). Its additional thrusters makes the ZFBN faster than its predecessor and more agile, reaching speeds double than the original. Several features kept from the original ZETA is the Bio-Sensor and its panoramic interface for the pilot. The Bio-Sensor allows the Coordinator pilot to use mental commands and could be affected by a focused emotional state or SEED mode, allowing the mobile suit to amplify power, speed and strength temporarily. [/hider] Finished. At least I think.