"Um.. Hello? ...I seem to have lost my way, and I am not quite sure where it was I was headed." Mathias jumped out of a day dream as he heard those words, someone was at the gate, but who? The scavanger team wasn't due back for an hour and he wasn't expecting any new recruits. Staring with cold, grey eyes into the monitor, all Mathias see were swirling blurs and fuzz. The backup generators proved most useful after the rapture, as they now worked as the main source of power for the entire estate. Regardless they were of little use where visual monitors were concerned. With a swift whack of his cane, the screen shook and gave off a crisp image of a well dressed man, he looked nervous and disorientated to say the least. "I don't believe it..." Mathias exclaimed with a smile as he exited the control room and hobbled out of the manor toward the gate. "A new recruit? or a victim perhaps?" Boreas` deep voice turned malevolent with thought of devouring a victim. "No my friend, this ones a good guy...I never thought he, of all people, would make it." Over the year Boreas and Mathias had come to an agreement, they would only devour those who were traitors to the estate or generally cruel and evil people. Surprisingly Boreas was more than happy with this arrangement, of course he got greedy from time to time and tried to convince Mathias that someone was clearly evil (usually the plumpest person in the room) but it was to no avail. Something told Mathias that this "Devourer" had quite a present good side to him, and that perhaps he was some sort of punished angel as opposed to a deceitful demon. For instance they never devoured in the usual sense, they never ate their victims, instead they gained this great energy from freezing the victims, far less gruesome than the horror stories Mathias had heard about the Banshee, though he wondered if they were all that true. As Mathias reached the gate he was certain that the man who stood on the other side was an old ally, he may have disguised himself exceptionally well, but as an actor himself, Mathias could always tell truth from lie by looking into the eyes of the "performer", and in that moment he was assured by the eyes that looked back at his. Entering the security key and opening the gate he smiled "Hello Sam...Its been a while." The two exchanged pleasantries on the walk back to the manor, Mathias was right, Sam was certainly disorientated. Therefore he resolved to lead him into the study, sit him in a comfortable wing-back chair, and pour himself and his friend a glass of Whiskey. They had much to discuss.