@FrozenEcstacy: Gotta say, I would never have known he was an adapted character reading Dallas' profile. That's impressive. He seems to be going through some tough shit emotionally, finally escaping from all of the family pressure. I've been considering from the start putting in this pair of mine, a boy from a very rich and influential family and his adopted younger brother who also acts as a sort of follower/servant/helper to him. I've hesitated because I didn't want to bring in anyone with such outlandish backgrounds into the RP myself, but it'd be interesting to see his reactions with Dallas, especially as two people who both grew up with horrendous expectations on them, but who had different opportunities and reacted to it different ways. Think I should throw him in? Or keep him out and stick with less outlandish characters? :P The only things I'm worried about with your two is this: If they're destined to be together and we're just the audience to said play, please reconsider. So long as we're not just going to watch you play a one-shot with these two's romantic affairs it's cool that they have their close relationship, I just want to know if they're ultra-bro-friend status or two incredibly gay magnets about to crash into each other. X3 Them dating is fine, Dallas jumping in just for them to speed on to a relationship is fine, I just don't want some heavy pre-determination going on in a RP all about making sure we can rp our characters reacting realistically to things. This includes reactions to our own characters. I trust everyone in this thread will be cool about this though. :3 Including you. Oh, and jobs. Jobs are important. You included jobs in both of their bios, add something to history or notes on how they have those jobs already by the time they moved in, because the RP is starting with people moving in. @LowKey123: Can I just say that your 'on one hand' was larger than my hand? X3 Good job. Your writing style is so self aware that it almost hurts me to read it in your profile, but its also interesting. Make a post when that profile is no longer a WIP please so I don't miss the update. UPDATE: Read the rest. Holy fuck. Please, for the love of god, don't write the entire rest of your profile like that. In fact, that romance section needs some cleaning up for ease of reading... but I won't critique a WIP. Can I just say though that felt so much like reading someone talking that it hurt. T.T @Ramblingbard: Can I just say, your profile was normal, I'm all thinking 'eh, a buff guy and a lady charmer isn't unfair. People are just like that.' And thinking that having a jock-based character in the rp may be interesting when.... yo. The note. Dude, don't keep the hidden backstory secret to such an extent in the CS! Have some faith that we, your fellow RPers, won't use any fore-knowledge of your characters deep past to squeeze our characters into situations we want with them and will react naturally!(If anyone doesn't, I will drop VERY angry frowns into their Pm box.) Please redo his history to explain a bit more of where he ACTUALLY comes from, and look over his personality to make sure it really is him and not just his cover personality please. :3 And if your character has some links to Bee's, please PM me about it too.