Mei watched as Leith did his trick with the water droplet. [b]"So big..."[/b] Mei was entranced at his display, as small as it was, and blinked when the water suddenly dispersed. Mei clapped a little at the show. [b]"My my, that is interesting indeed. As for me, well.... I don't really know..."[/b] Mei rubbed the back of her head as though doing so would somehow give her an idea of what she should say. She had none. [b]"I mean... I think I have mage blood, but I never used it before. I don't really know what I can do with it. I was sort of hoping that the college would help me figure that out."[/b] But Meirin couldn't hide her smile when Leith made a joke about her sleeping habits. It's not a proud thing about her, but she would humor the man for now. [b]"I've been known to fall asleep in the oddest of places and positions. Back at my home, they found me asleep while I was hanging onto a tree branch with just my hands. Sleeping while standing isn't difficult for me. Wake me up on the other hand..."[/b] Mei trailed off that sentence with a bit of laughter. [b]"I think we should follow one of the teachers, no? I'm sure we can still talk while taking the tour."[/b] Being the aggressor this time, Mei grabbed Leith's hand and began to chase after one of the teachers. She soon found herself in a group of students outside a forge. This brought back memories of the one back home, though theirs was much smaller and more in the open. She heard some clamoring ahead of her, but there was so many students in the way that she couldn't see anything. [b]"Did something happen? Are you okay?"[/b]