Naina nodded to her brother when she answered, "I'm afraid so. It was the only way to make sure she would be out of the General's grasp." As soon as Lord Lindemann arrived at the scene and Donna explained the situation, the traitor was being brought before the Parliament. She accepted the Lord's request when she answered, "Of course sir." The man she had once been hired to steal from seemed to be more concerned about the immediate issue right now. He seemed to have an edge of compassion not many Coalition reports would have bothered reminding. When the hologram faded, Malcolm tried to remain diplomatic when he assured, "We have determined that the Coalition will now proceed to see the cease fire held through. For our first motion we must -" As soon as Malcolm began he saw General Ulbricht being escorted by several of Lord Lindemann's men. It broke his concentration on the speech when he asked, "General Ulbricht? What is the purpose of this escort?" Hyrum was the first to explain the situation when he answered, "Mr. Blare found the General attempting to hold one of the Gundam pilots hostage. It seems that another two of them asked something too classified." Malcolm was curious about the question when he asked, "What specific question did they ask?" Mercurio gave the story when he answered, "We were interviewing General Ulbricht on the matter of the Lindemann assassination. Milou reported that some of his men attempted to intercept us but he managed to hold them back. The General then threatened Donna with her life if we were to approach him any further." Malcolm hesitated before he finally asked, "...General. What is your plea?"