Everything started to occur so fast and it was almost a bit too much for Jack to take it in and also stay focused. He had to process it just for a moment or two. There was the fact that Noel died from a drone attack to X yelling at everyone to go. This was a fact that a that half of them knew from when X told the boys to go, but the ladies seemed to be the last ones to know. It didn’t make it any easier. Like hell, Jack was still processing the fact that Noel died! He was the same age as Jack was, but still so young. However, Jack didn’t have time to worry about that now. As he came back to planet earth just after less than a minute after realizing that Noel was gone, Jack heard X talk and he listening intently. Her words entered his ears and synced into his memory. Every letter was understood and by definition, so were the order of those letters. He got up, and then something happened. [I]A flash of light[/I] The light was strong and Jack didn’t know what had happened, but the next thing he knew, he found himself, along with the others, in front of a huge mansion. He had never seen anything so huge in his life before. Well, not counting houses and other buildings meant for living. He looked at it, in awe. Jack just couldn’t believe how ginormous it was. The only thing that took away from the awe were the boards over all of the windows. Jack thought that was strange, but it wasn’t until he heard a rough-edged voice speak that it finally clicked: The X-Mansion. [b]“Oh my god.”[/b] Jack’s mouth was all the way open. Perhaps this was the first time he was laying eyes on it. He had heard of the mansion through legend and the stories. It was a bit surreal for Jack. He kept on looking and then he heard Helena speak to the man who looked awfully intimidating. Jack definitely got the same vibe off of him as he does from X sometimes. In which case, Helena referred to him as The Punisher. Jack vaguely remembers that name. He probably will find out more when the time comes, so he’s not going to worry much about that. However, when they started talking, he was only half-listening. He was taking little steps forward as he looked all around the mansion. Then, just as Jack got done with turning his body in a full circle to see the place on a base level, Rob spoke. And Jack stopped doing what it was that he was doing. The man that Jack highly respected told the others to leave the ‘adults’ alone and find a room. At first Jack wasn’t sure, but then the word ‘go’ was uttered. So, he did exactly that. As he walked towards the entrance, Hel and Annalise beat him to it as they entered it. Jack would soon follow only to be in awe once more. [b]“This place is unreal.”[/b] Jack said as his voice trailed on as his head did looking up and his body following suit as it turned in a circular motion. Jack just had to wrap his mind around the fact that he and the others would be living here for now on. He isn’t going to lie to himself and say that he isn’t going to miss the ranch. It was his home for a year. He had lived his life there for three-hundred-and-sixty-five days. However, he knew that the X-Mansion would be his home now. Even though he was sad, a very happy thought came to his head. [b]“I bet the library is AWESOME!”[/b] The last word he spoke just now was pretty loud. It was definitely loud enough for Annalise and Hel to hear him. Jack quickly put his hands to his mouth, hoping that they didn’t hear, but he was only fooling himself. The echoes were loud enough to wake the dead. Well, not really, but it was pretty loud. Jack just realized that throughout the entire day that it has been, he completely forgot that his clothes were dirty. His white tank-top was dirty, as were his blue jeans, and brown sneaker boots. [b]“Gotta wash these soon.”[/b] Jack said to himself as quiet as he could. As he continued walking down the hallway, Jack hoped that getting some food would be the highlight of his night. After the day he and the others have had, some relaxation would be a good thing for everyone.