David bore her apology with an accepting nod. Her following comments about being a prisoner and the blood bags being prison food brought an amused grin to his pale features. The initial transition from live feeding to the bags was unpleasant to say the least and even David, so righteous, had to admit that fresh blood was quite delectable in preference to the bags. After the good doctor introduced himself, David shook his hand and likewise said his name. "I can definitely smell the difference. Trixy and i appreciate the effort you've put into it." Though he knew that the older female would rather fresh blood he was comfortable in assuming that she did indeed appreciate the better quality stock. With some mild amusement, he watched Trixy feed and grinned upon seeing her twisted facial expression. Clearly her first bag was not an experience to be cherished. Doctor Bale offered him a similar bag of blood and though he'd already had his dinner for the evening he'd felt that perhaps he should eat, not wanting to be disrespectful by passing it up and enjoying the social interaction with another Vampire at the same time. As he took the bag, the two vampires locked eyes and David wondered if he should drink from the straw as was his custom or bite into the bag as she had done. He'd chosen the latter and a wide smile revealed his extended fangs as he bit into the bag containing the very essence of life. His gaze did now waver as he drained the bag a little slower than Trixy had done. There was no look of disgust or distaste in any form as he withdrew from the empty bag and he smirked. "That was quite good. Much better than hospital stock. Thanks, doc." he said with a nod to Dr. Bale. There was a hazardous waste bin not far and David deposited the empty bag inside. "Yea.. I've been feeding on bags for a while now." he said to Trixy now as he leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets, one hand fumbling around with his pack of smokes. "I love my abilities but I'll be honest I'm not too happy with the price."