Name: Ocllo Rivera (Unofficial full name: Ocllo Tupa Rivera Caupolican. In Chile it is common to a child to bear both their paternal and maternal names. The paternal name is the ‘official’ name, and is used on important documents. She would be simply be known at school and on any paperwork as “Ocllo Rivera”; her first name and her father’s last name.) Appearance: Towering above the other girls in her class, her awkward gangly-teen body takes on a wide rectangular shape, flat chested and straight-hipped, with only the slightest whisper of that longed for ‘graceful feminine curve’. Wearing the loose shapeless uniform robes she is sometimes mistaken for a boy. She keeps her hair long, the thick dark mass falls past her shoulder blades. Her skin is the color of warm baked clay. She has a round moon-face, a thick flat nose, soft dark lips, and deep pitch-black eyes. [img][/img] Age: 17 What Are You? Pure-Blood House: Slytherin Year at Hogwarts 6 Bio: Ocllo comes from a powerful pure-blood family in Chile. The family brags that they can trace their pure lineage back to the ancient Incan wizards. They were wealthy, they were powerful, they ran one of the most powerful dark-magic organizations on the South American continent. Then there was a crack-down. Someone got stupid and caught, the organization was divided and broken. Ocllo and her immediate family were able to move to the U.K. where they had connections with pure blood families there and, of course, Death-Eaters. The family was attracted there by these connections, and by tales of Voldemort's return. With the dark-lord and the death-eaters in charge the Rivera family imagined that after England was conquered, the world would be next, and they would be restored to their rightful status in their own homeland. They became Death-Eaters themselves. Her parents had a difficult time having children. So, of course, they utilized all sorts of powerful potions, charms, and spell-work to help produce and heir. The result of these efforts is Ocllo, who is far from what they expected. Ocllo is an only child. She was born with a genetic abnormality and has been categorized as intersex. She is externally female, and thanks to potions, charms, and doctors has been able to grow and develop correctly as a woman. It is not something she thinks about often or is concerned with, she is sometimes amused by her gender ambiguity, but sometimes feels guilty as she is unsure if she will able to have children herself and carry on the family legacy. She grew up in Chile. Homeschooled by her family. She lived a happy and relatively sheltered childhood. That was until the crack-down and she was whisked off to England. The culture shock for her was immense, she did not speak very good English, and had trouble making friends even among the other pure-blood children. She was smart though, and was relatively fluent when she was invited to Hogwarts. Her parents were hesitant at first, but their friends assured that that there were many noble pure-blood families at Hogwarts… a whole [i]house [/i] just for them. They other pure-blood students would be a good influence on her, and she would find her place among them. Ocllo went into Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin without a hitch… Until she discovered something truly horrifying. She tried to hide it, tried to come off as aloof to the other students, she tried to do extra credit and extra work or bribe teachers to try and cover it up. Her parents try to be encouraging but their disappointment is palpable to young Ocllo. She was terrible at magic. This has given her a much different perspective on the Wizarding world than most pure-bloods. Her fellow Slytherin students look down on her for her lack of capabilities. She found herself struggling, and finding help in unlikely places. Her more liberal teachers were much more willing to work with her than the Pure-Blood ones. She joined the DA not because she believed in Dumbledore, but because they were the only people willing to help her hone her defensive magic skills. She didn't make any fast friends there, nor fast improvements, but grew to respect the group. (She honestly didn't think anything serious would happen because of the group, seeing it as a way for mixed blood students to blow off some steam.) Rising tensions at home and at school, escalating violence, and other disturbing events have begun to shift Ocllo's perspective. Personality: A rather mellow presence, primarily observant. She is always the under-dog, so is accustomed to trying to find alternative ways to solve a situation. This is an advantage when things get hectic, she is able to keep a level head and take a step back to think about things. She is intelligent, a bit bitter, and introverted. She loves ancient history, and poetry. She is slower to execute abstract and magical concepts than her peers. In conversation she will always make an effort, but can’t help being awkward. Wand Type: Wand: 12 ½’, wood of Araucaria Araucana or “Monkey Puzzle Tree” (a pine tree native to Chile), core of serpent feather. (Made in Chile, but its not written in small-print on the bottom ;P) Special Talents: 1. She is good in any class that focuses on academic theory rather than magical execution. She gets top marks in History of magic, Arithmancy, ancient runes, care of magical creatures, divination (as you can fake your way through it), she works extra hard in these classes to counterbalance her weaknesses. 2. Multilingual: She speaks Spanish, Incan, English, and Latin. 3. She’s good at puzzles, the conventional way of solving problems (like magically) is closed off to her, she is accustomed to looking for alternative solutions and think outside-the-box as a nessisicity. 4. She has stronger than average physical strength. Fears/Weaknesses: 1. Terrible at the execution of magic. She get’s it conceptually but has difficulty making it happen. Potions, Charms, Dueling, Flying, Transfiguration, in all these things she is clumsy at best. 2. She fears being beaten by those of greater magical power. 3. She is dependent on her medicine, without it she will become ill. 4. She is prejudiced against people of mixed and muggle bloodlines. This is entirely the influence of her family and the environment she was raised in. Magical Pet: Pablo: an Armadillo. He is about a foot long, sandy in color, with a soft furry under-belly. He can roll himself up into as a defense mechanism (but also does so to play). [img=]