Standing alone near the passageway down below, Juno immediately heard the alarm. But she didn't immediately go down; she froze in place, suddenly nervous. Juno didn't even notice when Kirina slipped past and headed down, but shortly after her she jogged down the stairs like a girl on Christmas morning. It was the first expression she'd worn since arriving here that didn't liken her to a dissatisfied looking cat, and it wasn't one of joy, but of dazedness. And clear nervousness. This was everything she'd been waiting for. A real fight, truly becoming a moderator, getting out of this damn cafe with it's terrible coffee. But... Would she fold, like she had back in the academy? Countless times? The people here were her team - they would likely be together for a long time, and humiliating herself on the first mission was not something Juno was very into. For a few precious moments, she stood there, mouth agape, until... [i]“Боже мой, что это?!”[/i] ... she came back to herself at the red head's foreign words. Why was Kirina on the ground? When did she even get downstairs?... Why hadn't Juno bothered learning Russian? This was bad, she had to pay attention. A couple of mechanical bells and staring off into space had completely thrown off her groove and she couldn't let that happen again. She'd even missed the briefing, Juno noted, staring up at the screen as it had been all day - blank, with that logo. [i]Christ.[/i] Couldn't have botched this harder if she'd tried, and nothing had even happened yet. She was beginning to live up to being posted here. Juno took a deep breath, trying to collect herself, and see what was around her. Kirina had apparently fallen down the stairs, Michelle seemed a little bit flustered, and Oliver's lip was busted (how?). Marvin's emotions were hard to discern, and two of the team were still upstairs, likely to join them momentarily. A wall panel was opening. It was clear that wasn't a courtesy call, then. There was something amiss. Juno's hands clenched, the initializer on her wrist suddenly feeling unnatural, as if she had never been meant to wear it. She couldn't find the words to ask what was happening.