[centre][b]Freija[/b][/centre] [i]A new place, a new start. And it's alive with the beating of young hearts.[/i] Several thoughts flowed into each other as gentle as a bubbling brook through the mind of a certain elven woman. They would have been rushing, but she was much more in control of her mental abilities and thought processes, however even as in-control as she was, they still left her the tiniest bit lightheaded as new experiences always do. She ran a pale hand through her chocolate waves and let it fall down to, somewhat nervously, tug at the skirt of the flowing lavender gown she wore. Her first year teaching, Freija looked around to try and paint small mental pictures of all the students she would have on board this year (anyone seen to be the mind-over-matter type, or just anyone openly practising their magic) or all the teachers she might have to spend time with. The thought that a decent number of her students would be older than her made her smirk a little to herself, or that hardly anyone would take her for a teacher. Though she wasn't the best, her gifted abilities with magic coupled with intensive study of the art brought her where she was today. Standing in the courtyard of a massive academy on orientation day. She could only hope her parents would see her, and be proud of the hard work they definitely put into raising her. Being a teacher at 20 was a feat. There was an introduction period earlier that morning where she'd gotten to meet most the teachers, even if just briefly, so that didn't bother her. "Why not make myself more sociable?" she smiled to herself. She was the very image of gliding effortlessly to the front gates from where she previously stood, in the shade of the huge building. She meant to congratulate the headmistress once again on such a beautiful, thriving little community, and get a look for the new faces coming in. "My lady, it's beautiful. And may the fates bring more years of prosperity to a place like this, and the heart that runs it." she smiled warmly, even at the man in red who loomed close by, and was much bigger than the slight frames of both her and the headmistress. After brief interaction with him as well, she chose to take her leave. As a heightened magic user, his aura was consuming to her, to say the least. Making a brief stop at a stall to buy herself some fruit that was quickly finished, she caught herself staring at a couple, a boy with an exceptionally long scarf and a girl, making their way to the stalls as well, and an emotion welled up inside her. Was it longing? Being homeschooled, she never did experience school like these children did. She'd only hope to give them the best, most focused teaching experience she could. Though she couldn't do that in a state of even the slightest envy, so she made her way on. She'd noticed lots of things on her way which she chose to involve herself with minimally. Nodding her head politely as she passed two boys who, from her point of view, seemed to be meeting for the first time, as she'd guessed by introductions and names given. She picked up "Jargon" but that was about it, and she labelled the boy with the scales as one. She was intrigued ever so slightly. She'd only studied about those types of people, never met one in person, but she kept her distance for now. Passing some teachers, she waved coyly to an Orc man, and to a man uttering a prayer, Though what caught her eye most was a man leaning against a far wall. It wasn't what he had that caught her attention from so far away, but his lack thereof. She sensed strong energy from him, but a weightless, non-existant sense of being. He was auraless for sure. She was definitely intrigued as she made her way to where he was, navigating as easily as if she was wearing her glasses, though neatly stashed away in a satchel under the layers of the trail of her dress. She neared him with a sense of caution, and uttered a soft word before she ran a quick scan of this man. Nothing. That's what she saw in him magically. Not that he wasn't a good user, but there was literally nothing there. She meant to ask him how, or why, he could mask an aura like that. It would be a powerful tactic on the battlefield, and it would sate her ever-growing curiosity. But she stuck to a few short sentences for now, hoping to get his attention: She even had to puff her chest out to hope he'd even see her, as short as she was. "Hello there. I believe you're a teacher at this school, yes?" He seemed too old to be a student, but she found herself regretting the assumption almost immediately. "I just wanted to say hi. It's my first year teaching here. Freija Kiraiian, generalist in magic mastery. And your name, sir? And, if you don't mind me being so blunt, I was curious about how you had no sense of existence. How...or what, are you?"