As expected, the sight of the docking lights for E-15 indicating the ship's arrival was enough to prompt Iosif into taking his own position close to E-14, leaning against a crate which had been left undisturbed for the better half of an hour, whilst only a few other dockworkers seemed to pass by every now and then. That way, if any of the security types under Siame's payroll took notice of him they'd be more likely to shrug it off as some random merc waiting to meet some ship's crew upon their arrival for whatever reason mercs usually had. Well, in all fairness - he was a merc and that was his plan, only in this instance the ship he was waiting for happened to be theirs. Just to be safe, though, he rested a hand on his holstered M-6 where it wouldn't have been seen from the viewpoint of anyone stood at E-15. It'd be quicker to ready than his Avenger, and from experience it was better to draw before your enemy had the chance in any situation. Just at that moment, Tanya's voice spoke in a hushed tone through the omni-tool link to the rest of his armour, and with that he responded in an equally subtle voice so as not to draw attention from anyone who might've been eavesdropping "Got it." After that, it wasn't long before the salarian corvette came into view and he couldn't help but admire the ship out of the corner of his eye. Salarians could be tricky, slippery bastards when they wanted to be - a harsh lesson he'd learned - but their technology was well ahead of all the other races by a long shot, and their ships were no exception - sleek, efficient and more reliable than any human ship of it's calibre could've ever hoped to be. It was almost painful to think that he was probably going to be relayed to the role of co-pilot or something similar once they'd cleaned out the security team, but either way he was looking forward to making his comeback on a vessel such as this. However, once he noticed the security crew under Siame's payroll filing out from the airlock, he knew the time for admiration had long-since passed. A quick scan over the docking bay was enough to point out that Siame preferred to uphold it's reputation even with its hired guns, going so far as to equip them with one of the newer Rosenkovs that he'd once given thought to purchasing back when Rael had first snatched away that dossier of information that would've been very compromising for a number of company executives, that same dossier which had prompted Siame to pay a generous fee in exchange for that backstabbing salarian bastard, Jedrah, to betray both the quarian and Iosif himself. Thinking of it, at the very least, had given Iosif a new-found anticipation for the moment when he'd be able to put a few extra rounds into these security contractors who were being overpaid to wear Siame's colours. Watching the 'exchange' of the bait take place between Tanya and one of the contractors, he quickly took note of the fact that three of them were asari. Generally, he found it better to pick off asari targets first in any combat scenario, if only for the fact that their biotics would pose an extra threat - and he didn't feel like having the crate he was leant against being used to scrape his mangled corpse against the docking floor of Cartagena Station, or freezing him in place with a stasis whilst the others were picked off. Judging how accurate he'd be from a quick-draw at this distance, he decided to set his sights on an asari stood closer towards his range than the other two - who also happened to be throwing a suspicious glance towards his general direction every now and then. If he was fortunate, he'd get in a good number of hits before the bitch had a chance to use her biotics and bring her down. And just on cue, the sudden exclamation of the other contractor as her omni-tool's self-destructed was enough of a prompt to spring Iosif into action. Quickly withdrawing his M-6 from its holster, he levelled the pistol with his asari target and fired off a volley of rounds towards her mid-section just as a luminous blue glow had begun to envelop her arm. Unsurprisingly, the first few impacts only managed to dent her shields, but one of the latter shots managed to punch through her arm - disrupting her biotics - whilst another passed through her hip. With that, he ducked behind his crate to avoid the next volley of enemy fire aimed towards his direction, and used the quick respite of cover to activate his tech armour. Tanya's voice once again spoke to him through his comms setup, and at that he quickly poked out from behind his cover to fire another volley of shots towards the security contractors as the others made their advance.