His face formed an apologetic frown as she spoke french to him. Sadly he was, originally, a third generation American and the language of his grandparents was lost to him. "I'm sorry Trixy.. I never learned French." his tone matched his frown in that he was sincerely sorry that he'd failed her expectation and perhaps dashed her hopes. “It is nice to walk alongside another of my kind, it has been quite a long time since I have done so.” she said. The elevator doors shut and it began to move. "Can't say that my past experience with others has been all too positive.. I think the last Vampire I encountered before today was.." he scratched his chin as he dug through his memory in search of his last interaction with a Vampire. "Hmm… it might have been at Iwo Jima. Yea.. i think thats it. Japanese Vampire.. killed some of my men and well.. I'm here and he's not." Though he's moved on from grieving for his men, he was still tentative to recall those past battles in any detail and his eyes seemed distant for a moment before he blinked it away and smiled at her. The elevator doors opened and he gestured towards them. "After you, Madame."