It seemed Felicia would be changing the subject after all. She didn't seem to share Jira's romantic enthusiasm, and given his methods, that really wasn't surprising. Cain shifted along with her. “They would have robbed you, hurt, otherwise taken advantage of you and perhaps killed you. Attacking others -not to mention being the hero- isn't like me, but that was justified. I'm glad I could help.” Then and there he decided that keeping up a facade of kindness in the long run wouldn't be viable. “Its gratifying that you think I'm kind, but that really isn't the case here. Just...doing what's right.” There was seldom a waking moment that Cain wasn't doing what's right, at least by his own standpoint. A few moments of silence passed as Felicia walked. The Twili didn't feel at all like continuing a conversation with her; she was moving, and that was all that mattered. It was an uneventful journey until the sound of running feet pounding the ground, growing louder and louder, could be heard behind them. Naturally, the young fishmonger turned to look, and saw at the same time as Cain did the familiar mask of the Rain Spider rushing past, dust billowing in his wake. He seemed to be heading to the graveyard as well, and Cain, seeing the opportunity, opted to swap hosts once more. “Thanks for the ride. See you there,” he told Felicia. In a flash her shadow was distorted and then snapped back into its natural position as its denizen left. The last thing the woman would see was a black streak diving into the cloud of dust that Jira left behind, intent on using him as a transport. At Jira's pace, he was at the graveyard in no time, barely even out of breath, prompting the being withing his shadow to make note of his unexpected physical ability. After enduring the Rain Spider's corny entrance, Cain was prepared to speak when he saw Frore, who had arrived only moments before they did. He transferred himself to her shadow, hoping that she didn't notice that he had ever left. A swift look around confirmed that Veitaru had gone. Once he was settled, he made himself known. “Lethe! I present you with the Masked One., 'Fish One' is on her way as well. She's a bit sensitive.” He wondered exactly how Felicia would react to a fairy, a Twili inhabiting a scarecrow, a shady-looking Sheikah, and a huge albino woman, not to mention him. It'd likely be too much for her weak mind to take in; maybe she'd faint or at least panic. It was amusing to picture.