[b]Name:[/b] Mark Crane [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/951817001/Free-Shipping-Fbboy-font-b-Men-s-b-font-Spring-And-Summer-Jean-font-b-Clothing.jpg] [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]What Are You?[/b] Mudblood [b]House:[/b] Ravenclaw [b]Year At Hogwarts:[/b] 7 [b]Bio:[/b] When he was a child, every time he got too angry things around him started to move. At first they just vibrated or spun, but as he got older the items got bigger and moved faster. His parents, believing he must be possessed by a demon, took him to their pastor to get rid of the demon, but, though it would go away for a few days out of fear, it always came back. Because of this he didn't have any friends, so he spent his time reading and studying, sneaking other books, including comic books, when his parents made him do "bible study". When he was ten his 22 year old cousin, Philip, came home to visit from where work had transferred him, in London, and brought his pregnant wife, Violet. When he left he had a proposal for Mark's parents: let them take Mark with them back to England. Because they were afraid of Mark, Mark'sparents let him go, relieved to get rid of the "devil child" that had ruined their lives. About a week after he arrived in England he saw Violet's wooden "hairpin" lying on the table during one of his tantrums and picked it up, only to cause a blue flash of light that threw him backward. After that they had no choice but to tell him about the magical world. Once he had learned to not knock himself down when using Philip's wand, an old one of Violet's, they took him to Daigon alley to get his own wand, as he would be sent to Hogwarts in a few months and they wanted him to study before he went there so he wouldn't be too far behind. After a few months at school, he realized that, while his wand excelled at charms and healing spells, it was practically worthless at curses, jinxes, and the like. When he was a Junior he used his knowledge of Wandlore to make his own second wand. Though it wasn't of very good quality, it was three times better at jinxes and curses than his other wand. [b]Personality:[/b] Studies situations to look for weaknesses. Prefers the study of theory to the practice of actual spells. [b]Wand Type:[/b] First: Ten and one half inches, Unicorn hair core, Cherry wood; Second: Ten inches, Kelpie hair, Oak [b]Special Talents:[/b] Healing, Charms, Protection, Levitation [b]Fears/Weaknesses:[/b] Curses, jinxs, etc are weak.