[center] [b] The City of Egralia [/b] [/center] The City of Egralia, referred to the Merchants Paradise, This city holds one of the biggest ports on Eleorna. The streets of this melting pot of a city bustles with the sound and sights of a its many different citizens. Luni preachers stood in the town forum, spreading the word of the light to those who would listen while some human two bit shaman tried to sell spices and talisman. Tindra dancers snared the hearts of men and women in the taverns and Dwarven traders offered high quality iron tools and steel weapons. People were going at it like nothing had changed in the world around them. If they cared enough to look up at the walls however, they would notice the increasing numbers of guards stationed. Elven archers from the Wings of Light (an all Luni guild) were talking to human crossbowmen and dwarven ballista crews who all fielded their own equipment. And they would notice the mercenaries and hirelings at every corner. They would see that foreign vessels are docked in the part of port used exclusively by warships. Mandi Har pirates, Black Blood* Crossbones and Legato mercenary vessels all shared the waters. If they were able to perceive just how their city had changed from a merchant port to fortress, they would certainty act differently.   Eleorna, this jewel of a continent is the home for many wealthy and powerful city states. But the jewel is slowly cracking into pieces as Agren, the mighty nation of the southern Eleorna has begun a offensive towards its neighbors. Engli, Aurona, Vestilia have all fallen under the onslaught, their merchant kings and queens forced into the grip of the High Countess of Agren*; Lady Mezellin*. The ambitious and young Countess have only barely grazed the throne, and yet she is currently leading a army several thousands men and women. Her knights now set their sight on a walled in city, one that is far better prepared then they could ever guess.  [center] [b]-x-x---x-x- Agren Warcamp, within the borders of the now subdued Aurona city state.[/b][/center] “Why is that Egralia have never been taken again Uncle..” The Countess, her black hair draped over her shoulders and the velvet red dress she was currently wearing, starch contrast to the usual fair of being dressed in a copper and gold colored set of armor. Her long bangs obscuring her face as she was leaning over a heavy oaken table. The woman, no more 24 years old, had an air about her that would ensnare any man and woman. People followed her blindly it seemed. Everyone but her Uncle. The grizzled vet stared straight at her and his one good eye had nasty habit of never blinking, so it was red as blood. As he began to speak, she listened intently. Her Uncle was fountain of martial wisdom if a bit set in his ways. The young Countess had trusted his judgment this far and it had led them to victory. “Egralia is surrounded by massive walls and half of the city is situated on a small peninsula, Countess. Its commerce is second only to us and the Empire. As such there is no shortage of knights errands and other soldiers of fortune to defend them. They even contract corsairs and known pirates to defend their harbors. It'd be foolish to try and waltz in there without a plan." The man spoke, his voice gravely and tired. “Are you telling me, Their entire army can be bought?” She raised a eyebrow as she asked this. The idea of buying themselves a victory from within the enemies own walls was most amusing. “Not so, most have settled in a agreement with them, to the point were they call it their home. Take the Silver Leaves for example. They would throw themselves at us in droves to stop us. And knowing the Silver Leaves, the losses we would take would be gruesome.” His voice betrayed a ounce of admiration as he spoke of the mercenaries. The countess suddenly changed from listening idly to narrowing her eyes. “...Wasn't uncle a silver leaf at one point.” Her voice was that low, dangerous tone she had whenever she spoke about things that displeased her. He had seen people being forcefully drafted into the front lines when she got into this mood. “Aye, and I can guarantee you, that if we were to attack carelessly, we would only see defeat. ” His tired, old man voice gave way for a much more authoritative one, with a hars edge to it that Almost made the Countess flinch. His niece was forced to admit defeat, even if she didn't like it one bit. She could not handle her Uncle going into full lecture mode. “So then we wait. There are still the matters of rebellions to handle in our newest provinces... But we need Egralias port in the future.” Her voice shifted back to that of idle boredom. Her uncle sighed, she still had ways to go. -x-x---x-x- [center] [b] 12 miles from the City of Egralia, Silver Leaf Bastion. [/b] [/center] The main Head quarters for the silver leaves was a real fortress. The massive keep was made with finest, sturdiest dwarven cut stone. The valved gates read “A soul. A blade. A purpose.” Its Around the castle a lake and a thick and deep forest offers both fish and wild game for the hunters and the fishermen. Their founder had been a noble who served Egralias former King once, a bannerman for the old Merchant State. Somewhere down the line, he had fallen out of favor and taken his knights with him as he started as a small elite force who rode with those who could offer them gold. Even then, they never fought directly against Egralia. As mercenaries, their reputation was what to be expected. Soldiers of fortune have never been ones to receive praise other then when they were on the winning side of a conflict. And even then, their efforts were only for money. Outside the city walls, they were merely mercenaries, If incredibly talented such. But the Silver Leaves reputation in Egralia was different. Here they were part of the standing army in times of crisis, and they held respect. And they were far more then just a group of greedy soldiers used to pad out a army of peasants. No these men and women were all considered to be the very elite of Egralias military might. You didn't join unless they found you worthy, and each one who got accepted had the talent to become something great. They had produced Generals, tacticians and royal counselors who all rose to their position by being tested in true, deadly conflict. It was inside the walls of this mighty Fortress that the Silver Leaves latest batch of talent found themselves. Some here fresher to the guild then others. Some had lived long lives off conflict before reaching the guild. Some were young talents recruited fresh from Academys in the magical arts. All of them are exceptional within their fields of expertise. One of these people is Iano, a wild soul, blood dancer, redheaded menace of a pirate. The Tindra corsair awoke feeling stiff and sore  all over. His Yavnei, his friend and sometimes partner was ferocious creature, and were as likely to go for his throat as she was to cozy up to him. The wild elf he had once saved had found him some time back and the two, while wild and free spirits did every now and then gravitate to stay with one another. Lin and him shared a bond in a way, one even he in all his Tindran tradition of poetry and wordplay, found hard to explain. The lack of her this morning indicated that someone else had been in his room. Nothing to strange about that in itself, Iano was not one to suffer a night of lonelyness if he could help it. As his feet swung over the edge of the bed for him to sit up, he reached for his silken clothing, the vest slipping onto his torse with practiced ease. The loosely fitting silk and cloth he wore did little to protect him usually but it served it purpose admirably; He looked good. Iano slid his cleaver back where it belonged on his back. For some reason it had been lodged into a table earlier, and he wondered just how much he had drank last night. His saber was still were it should be however, in its sheath on the wall. He picked it down and strapped the belt around his waist again. The sabre, a keepsake from his captain, was always kept in pristine shape while the cleaver had seen uses no weapon should ever have to endure. He stretched as taut, lean muscles ached and protested from last nights abuse. He liked the pain however, it was good one. Reminded him of who he was, why he was here. Finding it impossible to recollect last night, he then shrugged and began to lace up his long leather boots. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [center] [i] Act 1: Morning Routines [/i] [/center] Welcome to the fray everyone! The Silver Leaves Bastion is quite large, and surrounded by a small village meant to house the families and servants of Silver Leaves. Those who do not own land within the walls are most likely housed within the barracks or in the keep itself. The town is bustling with life, and albeit far smaller then the capital, its worth exploring. Feel free to start any where within the village or the Bastion.  Its approximately 7 in the morning, the sun is shining. Its typical early spring for a temperate area with a cloudless, blue sky. [Hider=Locations] Castle: Courtyard: Large and spacius, this area tend to work as a place for sparring and training drills.  The Inner Sanctum; A underground shrine dedicated to 7 of the 8 Infinites.  Zails shrine is just outside the town, and is not officially recognized. This place has a a tending priest or Priestess of each Infinite. Among the catacombs connected to this shrine are various smaller shrines dedicated to smaller deities. Mess Hall : This is where most mercenaries would eat when not on duty. The mess hall is quite possibly the largest indoor area in the castle. The long tables and benches have been worn down by years of heavy festivities and drunken mercenaries. Gathering Hall : This place is where most people come to discuss guild politics, change information and hold official ceremonies. The notice boards with requests can also be found here. Town; Barracks: There's a female part, and a male part of the barrack complex. The barracks are mainly just large houses with rows of beds and bed rolls. There are a few rooms for recreation and smaller courtyard in them midle of it all. Smithy: There are several black smiths in town, some of them old Silver Leaves that got to wounded to continue fighting and instead began to craft for the guild. Here you can find most things you need. Silver Leaf Plaza: Marketplace and general gather spot for the villagers. The Grilled Goose: Large tavern near the Silver Leaf Plaza. Outer Wall: Surrounds the village and joins with the Castle in each end. Outside The walls: Zail Shrine: Guarded by a dark priest at all times. The Shrine allows only worshipers of the dark god to enter. Considered something of an eyesore by most but is otherwise left alone. Laka Litna: A small lake connected to the sea by a large river. The Woods: Stretches as far as the eye can see north where the river cuts if off suddenly. Rich on wildlife and rich in dangers. [/Hider] (Glossery) *Goblins, Kephuli, Orchs and similar races are called black bloods due to their ichorlike, black blood.