Sword Art Online. The world’s first VMMORPG. Created by a young genius in his early twenties, it was set to be the greatest game to ever bless the planet. Thousands lined up overnight to get a copy, and experience complete submersive virtual gaming. With no beta test, the game was tipped to have several faults due to this. However, other believed the game would be absolutely flawless. The Town of Beginnings was a huge place, as is the starting location for all new players. Here there are a massive number of shops, restaurants, and socializing spots for players, however... these things cost money, and seeing as everyone had only just logged in, they wouldn’t have enough the pay for anything. Everyone is equipped with a basic version of the weapon style they have chosen, and the same goes for armour and equipment. Some players had selected to own pets, sacrificing an ability to do so, but everyone seemed generally happy and excited about the immediate features of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Mmph* She tumbled and hit the floor. Yuki cried out as her elbow smashed the desk on the way to the ground. Laying there for minutes with no help, she sighed and crawled to her chair. She somehow managed to hoist herself up onto the desk and into the chair. She was exhausted. Her life sucked. She rolled over to her bed, staring in awe at the new game lying wrapped in plastic, along with the nerve gear system. She frantically flicked from her clock to the game. 60 seconds till the servers came online for real. She gasped and scrambled with the nerve gear, pulling it onto her head, and starting the game sequence. She had already calibrated herself a few hours before and she was ready to play. “LINK START!” A sequence of colours and shapes filled her eyes and she was transferred into the gaming network. She kept her character appearance the same as that of her own. *ZAP* she continued and was warped into the gaming world. The town of beginnings. She could feel the breeze on her face, the heat beating down on her, and most importantly, she could feel her legs. She hesitated, before taking one step forward. She was very shaky, and lost her balance, but by god it counted as a step. A tear rolled down her cheek and dripped to the ground. She could walk... She yelled out in happiness, before continuing to practice. Before long, she was walking like she did when she was a young girl.