[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/mILZIhS.png] --- [img=http://i.imgur.com/rO4YBZx.png] [IC][/center] Stepping directly through the ethereal, cool and breezy Darktown Gate portal, Jiggy was thrust into a swampy and humid city afternoon. Surrounded by 5 of his goons, his confidence was peaking in the mid-day sun, if only for the fact that he knew there were 24,995 more of his drones circulating throughout the arteries and backalleys of Dark City. [i]"Hmm, how should we make trouble today, Goons?[/i] smirking douchely, Jiggy positioned himself in front of his entourage for the daily logistics meeting. [i]"Oy boss, I've been hearin' of some proselytizing cryers talking about worshipping that gang in the northwest, RNA."[/i] one of his more "dressed-down" goons suggested. Sighing deeply at the lack of things to do in Darktown right now, Jiggy figured he might as well utilize the abnormal amount of confidence stored within him today. He was not going to go pick a fight with RNA, but Jiggy sure as hell didn't mind giving [i][A-Docc][/i] a piece of his mind. [img=http://i.imgur.com/mcGkPof.png]