Appearance: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Name: Micheal "Mike" Harris jr. Weapon: Various Tools. Estimated Age: 35 or 36 Personality: Mike is a calm person for the most part, he enjoys his time working, repairing, and maintaining any and all things mechanical. Engines or otherwise, He's passive about most things, speaking his opinion when needed. But it truly takes a good amount of working up to push him over the edge, where his temper often gets the better of him. He cares for people and would much rather teach them a lesson in humility rather than berate them on their choices, there are times where however he feels sometimes lessons are best learned the hard way for some people. Brief Background: Mike grew up with his parents, he was an only child and they passed on what they knew to him. His father and his fathers father and so on were all mechanics, so naturally Mike was taught at a young age everything he could by his father. His Mother had been a teacher. He was born after the incident however and by the time he was old enough to understand the world his parents and him were settled into a community. His mother and father were considered lower class citizens and thus he grew up in a small home with just enough to get by. His father would show him what he could taking home various engine parts and such to show his son in preparation for his future trade. While his mother taught him as well as she could of life before the incident and gave him a love for books. Around the time Mike was twenty he was working with his father for the community, he prospered but that meant little due to their low standing. His mother was eventually diagnosed with cancer, there was nothing they could do and she eventually died. Mike and his father worked themselves near death just to keep their minds off of it. A few years ago his father died of what was assumed to be a heart condition, without knowing if it's hereditary or not Mike occasionally worries about his own internal clock, and wishes to do something good for the world with his time but doesn't know where to begin. Since his parents died Mike's been moved into a bunkhouse, everything he could fit into a large metal chest was all he had left of his parents and home. Mike still works at the Mechanics doing as he's told a long with the several others, he's been known to help individual families on the sly with household problems for little to no exchange of goods. Level and category: 5A Misc: Mike is a mechanic, he spends what little free time he has reading and building things in his home and helping the people of the community.