Shortly after having set off at a sprint towards the fields, he reached his destination, looking around to see all of the boars walking around. "Boars huh... Let's see what I have to deal with you! He looked down at the default weapon he had unsheathed, unhappy with how small and weak it seemed. "Alright... Maybe they started me off with one of each type of weapon in case I didn't like this?" He opened his inventory, soon finding a few pieces of weak equipment to take the position of his current gear. "Perfect!" After equipping the new weapon he instantly began his charge anew. "Alright, let's do this!" He shouted as he sprinted at the first boar he could find. He smiled as he got the axe into a ready-to-swing position, running as quickly as his in-game character would let him at the boar. The axe began to glow as he prepared his first strike [i]Just like the instruction manual said... Perfect![/i] He let out a battle-cry as he swung the axe towards his enemy, the aim-assist instantly allowing the strike to hit. As usual with two-handed weapons, they give up defense for raw power, meaning just the first swing caused the boar to shatter into shards of data. He smirked, seeing the data float away. He was almost surprised by the rewards menu as it popped up in front of him, showing him the EXP and small currency he got from the boar. "Sweet... Already off to a great start! Guess I should walk around town to see if there are any quests I can do, though." He turned around, running back into the town, imagining all the battles he'd get into in this game. All the attacks he'd take full-force and stand there unphased because of his armor. No matter what it took, he'd make sure he was as tough as possible so that he could live out his fantasy. As he ran through town, he decided to sheathe it, but didn't really want to put it back in his inventory, so he went ahead and used the actual sheathing capability of simply putting the axe on his back. He glanced around, not seeming to find any real quest markers around, but he sure found plenty of market stalls and the such. He looked through them, finding food, armor, weapons... Everything he'd need in this world... But... Wait, why food? He scratched the back of his head as he stared at the food stalls. [i]They can't possibly expect us to eat in this game all the time... Unless it's just for EXP bonuses? Or just for the delicacy? Oh, no... I remember now, they do actually have an actual need for food in this game... Guess when I log out I should look up whether our characters still get hungry while we're logged off...[/i] "Hmm..." He used what little money he had to buy some basic cooking supplies, as well as some raw food to cook. "Might as well start working on this... If my character dies of starvation I don't want to have to restart or anything..."