I finish off my last boar, with my acrobatics, swords, and light metal armor were at level three with my battle healing having just capped over to two. My over all level was four, which wasn't bad for having just started. As I look around, I notice a girl with an assault spear kill a boar in a single attack and whistle quietly to myself, noting the dagger wielding assassin nearby. [i]That was impressive. She seems like she planned it all out too. I'll have to keep her in mind for the boss once we're all high enough. I'll still stay a solo this time though.[/i] Noting that my health was starting to get a little low, I turn back towards town and start walking, deciding that I didn't want to get caught by surprise by a boar. As I walk by the spear wielder and assassin, I send a PM to the girl. [hider=First Boss]Hey, you're not too bad with that spear. Wanna work together when it comes time for the first boss? Names Raven.[/hider] Confident it had sent, I close my menu and keep walking for towards the Town of Beginnings, making a mental note to get some health crystals and maybe a couple potions when I got back.