Name: Kaiden Cole Age: 28 Appearance: Standing at 5"9, Kaiden had a lithe and defined body, half formed by genetics, half formed by hard training and discipline. His cobalt blue eyes peered through strands of his dark hair that dropped around and slightly over his brow, tapering short at the back. His clothing choices were always those of casual and concealing. He often wore dark slacks or dark jeans paired with a fitted black t-shirt under a leather jacket finished with lightweight black shoes; simple, sleek and forgettable. Slung over his shoulder he would always have a small dark brown satchel and, under his pants fitted inside a holster strapped to his ankle, he had a 5 inch blade, given to him by his mother. Kaiden had a mixed blood line from his parents, being mostly part Italian, Irish and Cherokee Indian. His genetics gave him the look of someone five years younger than he really was, with high cheek bones that gave him trusting eyes and olive skin. Initial Ability: Kaiden has the ability to hide within shadows, only visible once he makes a noise loud enough for someone to hear. Who you were: Kaiden was an athlete turned criminal. Kaiden grew up in Newport Beach, California with his two parents as the only child. Being only 10 minutes from the beach he would often bike to the water for peace and clarity. His father grew tired of being tied down to a family and eventually left Kaiden with his mother for his own adventures. Kaiden was only 10 years old when his father left but he understood the selfish decision he had made and vowed to be there for his mother, providing her the life she deserved that his father was too coward to give. Kaiden finished high school as he promised his mother he would but did not attend college. He had the mental acuity strong enough where he realized college would not benefit him enough to warrant leaving his mother. He decided to find a job to begin assisting his mother once his dad stopped sending them money starting the first day Kaiden turned 18. There was a gym near by that stood five stories high, the elite sweat house of the rich and famous. Kaiden managed the front house and began his interest in fitness and healthy living. What Kaiden kept as a secret from anyone was his ability to steal. This he found was the most effective way to make money, and lots of it. He focused on more of a robin hood approach, seeking the wealthy as his targets, mostly because of where he worked. As he would get close to these people through social functions, dinner invitations, and some times intimate settings, his keen observations, quick slide of hand and distraction methods allowed him to score enough valuables to keep him and his mother, very well taken care of. His mother only ever knew that Kaiden had a "well paying" management position at the swanky wellness club. Between his schmoozing with the wealthy he eventually connected with a local business man, Kyle Berkhart, who had created a real estate empire that gave him enough fortune to invest. Mr. Berkhart had invested in [i]Somdium Corp[/i] assisting in the funding of their project that he felt was revolutionary. Eventually, Mr. Berkhart introduced Kaiden to the program, promising more than he knew of which was really possible. Kaiden was looking for ways to make his life and the life of his mother better. Shortly after he learned of [i]Somdium Corp[/i], the one thing in his life that was the most important and the driving force for his existence, his mother, had a heart attacked and passed away. Kaiden had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Personality: Kaiden is a quiet individual most of the time. His moods vary and his temper can flare but generally, especially if unprovoked or emotionally riveted, Kaiden remains low key and reclusive. He doesn't trust anyone and has a hard time getting close to people on a personal level. Kaiden keeps to himself and thinks more within his own mind that verbally. While he thinks very hard before he speaks his emotions are unstable and when provoked can cause a rage to emit that polars his normally quiet demeanor. Despite his often cold stance, Kaiden can be very pleasant and is easy to talk to. He has found on many occasions that people will begin to willingly give him stories and information because they feel they can trust him, even if they had only just met moments before. His ability to listen and his patience and calculating silence draw people to him. It's ironic that the issue he has struggled with since a child, that being of trust, is the one factor in his life that people seem to throw his way quicker than he can remember their names. People are drawn to him and feel they have a connection, the start of a beautiful relationship, but Kaiden secretly has no desire to be close to anyone; not since his mother passed.