Izzy rubbed her left thumbnail against her teeth, staring at her feet and impatiently waiting for her health to fill up. [b]"I'm hauntedWoods, but you can call me Haunt. You doing okay?"[/b] a boy said. She paused for a moment, uncertain if she was the one being addressed. She looked up slightly, seeing that someone was indeed standing in front of her, hand held out. "Eh?" she breathed, head snapping up to see the boy's face as she quickly hid the hand she had been holding up to her mouth. In other games, when a stranger spoke to her, it was easy to ignore. They were only polygons and a speech bubble. But in SAO... well, she may as well have been in the real world. Her face went red as she realized this, and her gaze drifted back towards her feet. She decided to do what she would outside of the game - be as polite as possible. "I'm, um... I'm Izzy," she stammered, accepting Haunt's handshake - albeit very weakly. "A-and yes, I'm fine, thank you..." She added, kicking herself on the inside for being so socially inept.