Natsumi gritted her teeth in frustration. "He just can't help being a teacher, can he?" She grumbled to herself. Kenta had no intention of winning this battle, from the start he had decided to die. He was holding back, but so was she. Of course she could have intercepted him in the air, she could hit a shogi piece square in it's center at this range. She was capable of it, but she didn't have it in her to attack him knowing she could actually kill him. Unwanted memories kept barging into her mindscape, reminding her that who she was fighting was a friend. The tight grip on her fans lessened, wobbling in her shaking hands until she relinquished them to the ground. She didn't want to do this, she didn't want to be here. Natsumi wanted things to go back to normal, for her to enjoy having tea with Kaede and her cousin Makoto. Her legs buckled, and she fell to her knees and closed her eyes in shame. She was unable to move, the will was gone. "Pathetic. Once again, you've shown me how pathetic you are." A deep voice that shook her soul snarled at her. Natsumi's body quaked, she felt helpless, she knew she was pathetic. "If you want to fight, all you need to do is give me control. Let go, Natsumi Uchiha." The nine-tailed fox tempted her, giving her a way out of this dreadful situation. All she had to do was let go, just a little. Letting go for just a moment couldn't be worse than this, it just couldn't. Natsumi said nothing, but for a split moment, she thought that it wouldn't be so bad to give herself up to the power of the demon fox. A moment was all it took. A minute trace of demonic red chakra poured from her body, the feeling was both terrifying and euphoric. Her body swelled with power that was unfamiliar yet intoxicating. Sharp fangs protruded from her mouth, her nails sharpened into grotesque claws, and her eyes morphed into an abomination of tomoe and fierce feline pupils. Now, she could fight, it was the only thing on her mind. Her eyes scanned the battlefield, taking in information to make up for her inattentiveness. A rocky dome, a crumbling wall. Structures that had not been there before, useless information, that wasn't what she was looking for. Her eyes scrolled over towards Kenta, and locked in place on him. He appeared to have just finished attacking someone, she didn't bother looking to see who it was, all she saw was an opening. Natsumi quickly grabbed her fans from the ground, and charged towards her target. Her feet were moving too slow, she had to arrive faster, faster or the opening would be wasted. Her body lit aflame with Righteous Immolation, it's fire swirling like a crazed storm as it mixed with the fox's chakra. Her right foot slammed into the ground, shattering it like glass and launching her forward. Her body spun in the air once, giving her just the right momentum to slice into Kenta with her fans as she arrived at his location. Searing hot wind blasted from her fans, making them dangerous to attempt to block.