[b]"Link Start!"[/b] The Nerve Gear heard the voice and nudged Aiden into the virtual world of SAO. He saw the options [i]Japanese[/i] and [i]English[/i]. He flicked the English button. A customization bar appeared. After making a slightly tall black haired and green eyed avatar, he pressed the [Confirm] He found himself as Magi in the realm of Aincrad, standing in Starting City. He smiled and saw the players run around in joy. He opened up the map and made his way to the blacksmith. He walked into the building, picking out a basic rapier. He was definitely going to use something he could manoeuvre with quickly, his reflexes being his greatest weapon. When he bought it, the weapon appeared on his belt. He proceeded to buy a hooded cloak. Magi was a more mysterious type than Aiden. He didn't want to attract too much attention to himself or have anyone see who he is if he saw someone he already knew. He left the building with his hood covering his face. He decided to go and gain some Exp before he started to play seriously and made his way to the border of the city. ~~~ Magi saw a group hunting boars ahead. Just as he was turning to find a new place, one of the boars in the vicinity got a preemptive attack, which he noticed and dodged rapidly. He quickly drew his rapier and stabbed it with the first available rapier sword skill, Linear. The blow threw the boar back, making it slowly vanish.