[hider=Alex][centre] [img]http://cdn.screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/GI-Joe-2-Lady-Jaye-Interview.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b] Alex [b]Age[/b] Late twenties [b]Weapon[/b] She owns a broken down old rifle from her early days, and whatever weapon The System has deemed fit to equip her with in her new role as armed forces. Presumably some manner of carbine? She also owns a combat knife, stolen from another survivor back in the day. [b]Personality[/b] Alex has developed what some might call the unfortunately common point-of-view, considering life without hope. She - like the people she originated with - ascribes to the misled theory of social darwinism. Survival of the strongest. Her behavior can be likened to a hyena, wolf or feral dog. She will behave and be friendly enough as long as it's to her benefit, but in times of desperation or fury there's no telling just what she'll do. She's prone to seethe and brood, and has been disciplined for unnecessary violence more than once during her four-year-stay with Barrowside. She treats authority with obedience and respect, though the way she looks at people's backs might make people wonder if she isn't just waiting for the best time to shoot them and take over. Her way is the best way, but she will not hesitate to lie in wait to make it happen. [b]Brief Background[/b] By the time Alex was born, her father was already lost to the cruel world around them. Her mother never talked about him, instead focusing on teaching Alex how to survive and doing what she could to keep the both of them safe. Eventually, this led to the both of them being taken in by a basic group of 'travellers' led by a charismatic man. Decked out in weapons, scavenged gear and with enough food to get to the next place (and then some!), it was clear these men were the model of success in this terrifying new world. So her mother said, though she cried all the same, every night. Alex never understood why, and the few times she asked she got no real reply. Perhaps a year or two later, Alex's mother got the sickness. The man in charge forced Alex to do the deed, further encouraged to follow what he said by her mother. Despite the dark, uncertain times, the men (dwindling in number, as they were), kept Alex around and treated her like one of them, ever more the taller she grew. She learned that it didn't matter who you met, who they were. If you didn't take their food - their weapons - then they would do it to you. It was only a matter of time. If some people had to die for you to live, then that was the way it had to be. It made sense to Alex. Tough times came. The group dwindled down to five. They recruited new people, sometimes forcibly. Repeat. It was a tough life, but it worked. Travelling from place to place and taking what you could use better than they. It all changed when the charismatic man succumbed to some kind of disease, however. The group dispersed quickly, and Alex stuck with one of the past 'core' for a time. Her only friend left alive, really. Both of them made it to a walled, guarded community called 'Barrowside' after what felt like at least two years in the open. She immediately volunteered to serve in a scavenging and military capacity. That was something like four years ago. Maybe. [b]Misc[/b] Security/Military. Scout. [b]Level and category[/b] 3A[/centre][/hider]