[quote=Boboclown89] *gives 17 centillion cheesecake coupons, all of them making it so he gets 5 billion dollars for every cheesecake he eats* There, yourwelcome. *turns to Katherin while she's in the torture chambers* Alright, then I guess you wouldnt mind... *pulls a rope* Several grueling hours of open and awake surgery, multiplied to a point where it is literally the most painful thing to every exist in the past present and future of the universe? *in the torture room, Katherin is automatically tied to a table, and I am standing next to the table she is tied to* So, torture? *I say as I reach for a sharp razor-chainsaww-knife on a table with other sharp objects, picks up an actual chainsaw in the other hand* Which one would you prefer me use? [/quote] Do your worse. Nothing you do will break me. You cant break what is already broken. [quote=HailStorm_the_Colorful] This roleplay seems interesting. It's so unique compared to everything else where you write in someone else's perspective, and honestly it's slightly scary thinking about how I'd react in the given situations instead of how my character would act given their personality. That and it's almost like being social and let it be known that I don't excel at that because music, games and food are so much better than people usually XD Just kidding.Not really XDAnyways, I'm thinking about joining in... [/quote] I know it is a strange idea but I love the idea of meeting the people that create the characters I enjoy interacting with. LOL Feel free to join.