And here's a new guild. If you see a way to improve it, please do so. I'm sure its not perfect, and fixing it would make it all the more better. [hider=Warrior's Guild] Guild Name: The Warriors Guild Guild Head: [url=]Eric Von Haunman [/url] Guild Description: The Warriors Guild is a place where all beings that are adept with a weapon to come and find work. Jobs of all kinds from simple pest control to caravan escort and everything in between can be found on the many bulletin boards inside. The contracts are broken down into four categories based on likely-hood of dangerous combat: D-Rank contracts are those for when say people need a mire rat or two taken care of, C-Rank contracts are slightly riskier, say an escort for a merchant on a well known and guarded route. B-Rank contracts would involve expeditions to a ruins site, and finally A-Rank contracts would include guard duty for high-ranking dignitaries. The higher the rank, the more coin involved, and the more risk. Only the best warriors are allowed to take on A-Rank contracts, and the guild tracks a warrior's skills by the amount of successful contracts they have. The more contracts they complete, the closer warriors get to obtaining passes to take on higher ranked contracts. Every warrior that joins the guild starts off at the same level, regardless of past experience, to give everyone a fair chance, and keep those that would try and lie from getting in over their heads. The guild lies right in the middle of the Guild District. There's the main hall, where all administrative duties are done, and from there the guild branches off; In the lower-right wing is the training room, which holds both arrow targets and training dummies alike. The upper-right wing holds the guild's resident forge. It has a few chimneys and plenty of windows to keep from smoking up the place. If you have a certain piece of armor or a certain weapon you would like made, you can either make it yourself or pay the forgemaster, a dwarf by the name of [url=] Ogren Blisram[/url], to make it for you. The lower-left wing is where the mead(?) hall lies. This is where the warriors come and boast about their latest adventures and contracts, whether you wish to believe these stories is up to you. And finally in the upper-left, the guild master, Eric Von Haunman has his office. One thing people must know before entering the doors and either joining, or posting a contract is that the Warriors Guild is [i] not [/i] the Assassins Guild. The guild does not accept contracts that whose sole purpose is to kill others. The golden rule of the guild is, "A warrior shall not draw his sword unless absolutely necessary." As long as the warrior is not directly attacked or provoked, he will not draw his sword against someone. If caught doing so, it spells certain banishment from the guild. Having said that, all walks of life are welcomed to join the guild, just keep your nose clean and your sword in you sheath while inside (unless its the training wing) and you shall be accepted by all. [/hider]