[b][center]Survivor Group Sheet[/center][/b] [b]Crash Site:[/b] 3 [b]Items Salvaged from Crash Site:[/b] [list] - Surgical Tools | Medicine wont cure a broken leg, or remove a bullet from someone's rib cage. You find a stash of surgical utensils in the sky ship's sick bay, along with some sterilising liquids. Even without proper training in their use, anyone would prefer to use them to cut open someone else over a sharpened rock any day! - Medical Supplies | Can be used to prevent your peoples from succumbing to tropical diseases, food poisoning and other ailments. - Experimental Plague Vaccine | Before your homeland was overrun by the plaguers, scientists were close to developing a vaccine against infection. You find two boxes full in the wreck, but will it work? [/list] [b]Leader’s Name:[/b] Dr. Kyle Jackson [b]Leader’s Age:[/b] 31 [b]Leader’s Appearance:[/b] Short and scrawny, with a long black ponytail and think framed glasses. He usually wears his knee-length white lab coat. His face is pot marked and pointy – as if all of his features were being drawn to one singular point. Small beady dark eyes complete his cliché appearance as a scientist. [b]Leader’s Former Occupation:[/b] Head Medical Officer, Vanguard Research Initiative. Promoted one week prior to the City’s evacuation, after his predecessor was killed by a plague specimen. [b]Leader’s Mentality:[/b] Dr. Kyle Jackson is a man of a science and maths. He sees things from a purely logical perspective, and will not shy away from sacrificing the few for the better of the many. On the plus side, he is a utilitarian, and sees women essential to the survival effort – beyond their child bearing capacity – and will put them to work like everyone else. No one is off limits for promotions or high responsibility tasks, as long as they can prove they are capable. He pays no heed to skin colour, sexuality, gender or religious beliefs. If you are good at what you do, that is good enough for him. Kyle will always do what he can to avoid violence, preferring instead to further man’s fight against disease and illness. However, if pushed, he will reluctantly turn his great scientific mind to utilising his medical supplies to deadly effect. [b]Amount of Survivors at Start:[/b] 150 [b]Survivor Group Type:[/b] Dr. Kyle’s group are all that remains of the government’s final efforts to quell the plague. Locked in an underground bunker, they worked tirelessly to create a vaccine against the one disease that no medical miracle could overcome. As the City finally fell, they were quickly evacuated and ushered onto one of the waiting Sky Ships – a Sky Ship that decided to let on the refugees. 90% of those comprising his group at the start of this RP, are scientists, doctors, surgeons, researchers and nurses. The rest are a motley gathering of refugees that survived the crash.