Name: Devika Jones Gender: Female Age: 21 Parents: Birth- Empath (Manuel Alfonso Rodrigo de la Rocha)/Unknown mother. Raised: Anne and Reginald Jones Powers: Able to sense, absorb, induce and influence people's emotions. Bio: Devika was, oddly enough, an orphan foundling. Not of the 'picnic basket on the doorstep' variety, but close enough. Her parents found her in a park in the middle of summer. The baby wearing nothing but a diaper and a gold bracelet engraved with her name. Reginald and Anne Jones searched for the baby's parents everywhere, in every database the two laywers had access to, but there was no trace of them. By the time they figured out that her parents were long gone, they were already quite in love with the infant. They had never been able to have a child of their own, and so, feeling fate was giving them a gift, they adopted Devika. Devika's power was discovered when she was very young. She seemed to be a normal kindergardener, though she was rather on the high-strung side. That all changed one day on the playground. A little boy fell off the monkey bars and broke his wrist. While the child was getting medical attention, the paramedics noticed little Devika, crying her eyes out, holding her swollen right wrist. They checked her as well, but discovered absolutely no injury on her. Once this was reported to her parents, they started to put the pieces together. They started to teach Devika meditation, and how to keep her emotions in check. 16 years later, as an adult, Devika began to get very unhappy. Her powers were under control, but she felt like she was missing a large part of herself. She wanted to know who she was- and what she was really capable of. She was tired of living only part of her life, and so, with her parents help, she enrolled in the Academy. It took her several months to unenroll from her university, which is why she showed up in the middle of the semester. Appearance: Name: Kijani Ryane Gender: Female Age: 16 Parents: Parents aren't heroes. Granddaughter of Amanda Waller. Powers: Powers: Kijani has the ability to manipulate paper, and control it’s density. She can turn an index card into a razor sharp blade, a book into a brick, and newspaper into armor. She can remember anything she’s read and recall it with accuracy. She also has a lot of grace on the battlefield, her primary talent being evasion and misdirection. Her fighting style is a blend of Tai Chi and Capoeria- moving with the flow of the fight, never stopping. Kijani’s self-invented style flows from move to move, never breaking stride even when she falls or is hit, it simply becomes another move in the dance. Bio: Kijani was born to two wealthy, brilliant people who happened to dislike each other. Her conception was essentially an accident, and her parents married out of propriety rather than love. She grew up cared for by a nanny while her parents worked and ignored her. When she was eleven, she was kidnapped off the streets and held for ransom for a week. Her parents paid, she was released, but she was scarred, both physically and psychologically. From that day on she was never quite the same. She promised herself she’d never let that happen to her again, no matter what it took. Her nanny was fired, and Kijani pretty much raised herself from the age of eleven while her parents worked. She became an emancipated minor at the age of fourteen, took her inheritance from her parents, and used it to start living life on her own terms. Appearance: