Survivor Group Sheet Crash Site: (Choose area number/see map) Site #28. [b]Items Salvaged from Crash Site:[/b] - Carpentry Supplies - Seeds - Water Purifying Equipment [b]Leader’s Name:[/b] Edwin Berigan. [b]Leader’s Age:[/b] Thirty-four. [b]Leader’s Appearance:[/b] Edwin Berigan is an adult male of age thirty-four, and weighs 212 lbs. He is large, standing tall at 6' 00" exact and has a strong and wide build. His muscles are very well developed, due to his training and his former occupation as a construction worker/architect. His face is tough with a bald head on top and no sideburns, and his dark-tanned skin shrinks to a calm tan during the winter months, showing his clear English ancestry. He has proud brown eyes and his dark eyebrows are thick and well separated, increasing the definition of the lines that streak across his shiny forehead. He sports a moderate-sized dark-brown beard and his lips part naturally, only to widen when he uses his half-deep voice to express orders or just communicate in general. His chest is wide, with strong muscles slightly visible under his clothes or construction vests, and his heavily built arms fall to the side of his thighs when he is at rest. His abdominal muscles are not perfectly defined, and has a faint scar across the lower-right two muscles, constantly reminding him of a time where he fell off of a ladder carrying a stack of lumber. His lower body is slightly less muscular than his upper body, with his quadriceps and hamstrings being thick and his calves only slightly rounded. His feet are large, a size 10 1/2 (American), and are heavily callused like his strong hands. His hands are typically tracked with dirt and grime, and his grip is fairly strong. His favourite colour is a mixture of both yellow and orange, and typically wears apparel related to those hues. He has a long stride, and typically walks with confidence. [b]Leader’s Former Occupation:[/b] Before the plague had struck, Edwin had been a full-time construction worker and part-time architect. He enjoys building and carrying stuff, and is not even slightly satisfied until the job is done to perfection. He rarely procrastinates but can be lazy at times, depending on his mood. Since he has a strong history of construction, being in the industry for more than ten years and introduced into the crafts when he was a child, he possesses a strong knowledge on masonry, construction, and foundational building. His craftsmanship and resourcefulness is outstanding, but he typically uses whatever he has available to him, and then some. [b]Leader’s Mentality:[/b] Edwin believes in fair trade and the ability to act resourceful. He never gives more than necessary, unless intimidated or persuaded, and likes an equal system of wealth. He is the leader who expects you to work for your pay, no exceptions. If you slack, you lack. Edwin believes in trying to allow his people to be free, with a somewhat democratic vote system for the adult males (not females or children; I am not sexist, just defining the leader) and his people follow the idea of socialism. People under his command are not the happiest people, but they are not miserable. They have some freedoms, but they are expected to get their work done on time and on target, with the emphasis on food and material production. Children are not allowed to vote until they reach the age of majority of sixteen, and women are forbidden to work at all. Edwin's colony follows a typical viewpoint of the genders, where men do most of the work and women do the farming, cooking, and housekeeping. His people have a high degree of respect for him, but some have been disappointed with laws he has passed. [b]Amount of Survivors at Start:[/b] Edwin managed to convince two hundred and seventy eight people to come to the "Brave New World" with him, and they have bonded successfully so far. Promises of prosperity are hopeful. [b]Survivor Group Type:[/b] On the ship were about one hundred and forty-three men and one hundred and thirty-five women. Most of the men were farmers, blacksmiths, and masons, however there are several groups of educational professors and engineers. About a third of the women on board were Edwin's images of house-women, tending to the cooking and cleaning while the men were away. An eighth of the women were educated in blacksmithing, another eight in construction, and the rest were farmers, professors, and nurses. [b]This looks like a really fun role-play, and I'd like to take part in it! Good job on the idea! :D[/b]