[center][b]Ulgahk[/b] Deep Pits Entrance ----------[/center] Ulgahk thought as he was led further into the Underdeep. These foul Dwarves. The way they treated that woman. Even if she was Human. Did these folk really deserve his help? Still, even as his mind doubted his quest, the Orc found his body pulled ever forward. Whatever Regna has planned, it must be something of great importance. As the group made it to the entrance to what was known as the Deep Pits, their Dwarven leader passed torches to Ulgahk and the others. Ulgahk looked at the bat with disgust. A relic of those foolish enough to spread the Light. He did not ignite his torch, but instead, faced West, and knelt. He began to pray to Regna, the tongue in which he spoke making it sound like groans and growls. After a minute, Ulgahk faced the entrance to the Deep Pits, and knocked his Blade into the ground three times. “Well? What are we ‘adventurers’ standing around for? Onward!” he roared, his voice and armor echoing in the darkness as he entered the Pits.