[quote=Sarcor] @Prisk:So the way a player writes out their creativity onto their post is then quantified in a set number of points? Perhaps I was too naive to think that there could be any other way to decide how a conflict is resolved without a hard number system. In your example it seems that the GM is subjective in the distribution of these points unless there are specific rules that govern the output of these points.I myself GM'ed a game a long time ago that was very harsh in consequences but relied on creativity (and a great deal of collaboration) to resolve scenarios either between players or between the players and the GM. It felt like I was forcing the story down their throats, and I do not want to do that. [/quote] There are predetermined rules for point distribution with base amounts for basic actions and bonuses to various combinations of actions. Then there are ambiguous rewards—however, also confined to predetermined amounts—that the GM can distribute for creativity and/or unforeseen actions and events. I suppose it's unfair to call it conflict resolution, it's more like anti-godmodding if anything (casual mini-game, perhaps).