Crash Site: 18 Items Salvaged from Crash Site: - Guns | Crates of muskets, with gunpowder and balls. Use them to destroy your enemies, but be warned – the humid weather can play havoc with their mechanisms. Do not use in rain. -Large Non-perishable Food Stockpile | Pallets stacked high with tins of preserved meats and vegetables, enough to feed a thousand people for a year. Why catch that weird looking half-cat half-rat creature over there behind the bushes, when you could crack open a can of corned beef? -Specialized Outdoor Clothing | Tough, but made from lightweight fibres, these overalls will deter the strongest heat, and keep out the fiercest rain. A technological marvel of our time, and look, there’s a whole compartment full of them! Leader’s Name: Victor Hawthorne Leader’s Age: 39 Leader’s Appearance: [url=]Here[/url] Leader’s Former Occupation: Criminal Gang Leader Leader’s Mentality: "Never let a sense of morals stop you from doing whats right!" Is his motto, and one he ruthlessly abides. He is firmly the leader of his clan of survivors, and is willing to perform unpleasant actions himself if that is what it would take to survive. He favors aggression and absolute commitment to a task once started, and is not the type to let other dictate his fate. Amount of Survivors at Start: 250 Survivor Group Type: Majority of survivors are lower-class refugees, predominantly laborers, factory workers, farmers, and unskilled craftsmen. 60 are military deserters or former airship crew fallen in with Hawthorne.