Username: ramblingbard Name: Naomi Loker Age: 19 Gender: female Schedule: She’s out the door around eight every weekday morning to commute to Lovell. Mondays and Wednesdays, she’s back around four or five. Tuesdays and Thursdays she’s back around seven. Generally, when she leaves on Friday for school, she doesn’t end up coming back until Sunday afternoon - usually between three and five; when she comes back on Fridays, it’s generally around nine o’clock and the rest of her weekend is spent mostly in her room or going to a local bookshop/cafe. Education Level: High school graduate, some college - second year in Lovell majoring in creative writing Life Goal: become a best selling novelist Current Goal: become independent of her best friend and make new friends [url=]Appearance[/url]: She has almond shaped aquamarine colored eyes (one of which is closer to green than blue and the other more blue than green, which is only really noticeable when someone actually sees both her eyes) and she has a nice - healthy - golden tan. Generally, she keeps her bangs cut so they curl in a plentiful bound to cover up one eye, to prevent someone from seeing the defect; the rest of her curly dirty blonde hair goes down to her mid-back in more natural waves than a tangled curls. She has well defined cheekbones and applies make up in a less-is-more kind of style in smokey nudes that helps enhance her features without making it noticeable she has any make up on at all aside from eyeliner to help really enunciate her almond shaped eyes and a bit of lip gloss in a shade that mostly just puts a sheen to her lips. Dainty by bone structure, she is super model thin and probably could have been a super model too if it weren’t for the fact she only stands five foot nothing. Her level of attractiveness degrades from how she carries herself, very guarded and full of nervous glances around instead of confident like most attractive females, and the depressed, sometimes scared, look in her eyes dampens them further. She also has a handful of scars scattered around her body - cuts and surgery scars from having bones reset - but all of that is covered up with her clothing. She doesn’t wear anything without long sleeves to it; usually something thin and generally layered - long sleeve under short sleeve - with an out of place leather jacket that is clearly too big for her on over that. Aside from the jacket, she’s generally in something form fitting and/or fashionable so long as none of her skin that isn’t her neck and face is visible. Personality: This is a girl with no self-confidence; whether it be in her own abilities or own appearance. She tries to be friendly, though, but always seems at a loss for the right thing to say and immediately self-deprecates for anything misspoken or stammered. Almost everything about her could be better in her eyes, though she’s making lots of progress from how bad she was when she first started seeing her therapist. Polite enough to carry on a conversation struck up, she doesn’t invest much into interactions if it’s an intimate setting (read: just her and someone else alone together) and tends to try to keep things superficial as much as possible. It takes a bit of time for her to be comfortable enough around someone before she’ll really try to connect, but she at least has been forcing herself to start up small talk with people she sees on a daily/semi-daily basis rather than simply ducking past people. She's more likely to just sit there and take it rather than stand up for herself, and she's constantly battling her own inner voice that critiques everything she does. Depression constantly looms in the back of her mind, and makes her more of a pessimist than she has any right to be. But she is trying, despite all her mental failings, she takes one step at a time to go out and try to better herself. Assertiveness is something her therapist is trying to get her to work on, but it is an uphill battle for it. She bottle negative emotions up, and rarely can get a genuine smile on her face - though she does try; she refuses to cry in front of others though - conditioned not to really - and thus it is extremely difficult to bring her to tears rather than her simply looking sad or dejected. She has a habit of playing with the ends of her shirt sleeves when she’s nervous or talking to someone for the first time. If talking to someone new one on one, or even just anyone she’s not very comfortable too yet, she’ll hug her book - as she generally has either a composition book or a novel in hand - to her chest while chatting as if it were a security blanket. She gets wrapped up in romances, and any teen/young adult series but prefer stories that are more pleasant than dark and when a book or series gets too dark for her to read - regardless of how much she likes the book or series she just won’t read any more (like she hasn’t finished the Harry Potter series, having stopped at the end of Goblet of Fire, without managing to finish the book.) Ironically, some of her best writing deals with darker/more violent aspects of life and love, but she doesn’t let anyone read that stuff; the things she submits for classes are more along the lines of what she likes to read. Reason for moving into the dorm: Her therapist said she needed to distance herself a little from the source of her dependency, and her best friend suggested the dorm as there were fewer people, so not as much noise or possible overwhelming factor. Romantic/Sexual Experience: She hasn’t really had any kind of romantic or sexual experience. The close relationship she has with her best friend is often confused for a romantic one, but it is more on the level of very close siblings over anything remotely romantic. Closest she’s been to any romantic relationship in her writing - so pretty much all in her head and not even featuring herself. History: An only child, Naomi grew up in Herford. From a very young age, she endured a lot of abuse; her mom was never satisfied with anything she did - even as a toddler, her mother wanted her to be the perfectly behaved child and every time she was even just a typical child she would be verbally berated - and her father had a nasty disposition when he drank. If showing up to school in a cast or with a bruise raised any alarms with the teachers, they never said anything; her father was on the force and had one of the highest arrest records. So for years, she endured the emotional abuse - constantly being told her grades weren’t good enough, or she wasn’t pretty enough, or really anything her mother could think of - and physical abuse which she learned to hide with styling her hair and clothing and eventually make up. That is, until her best friend - the son of one of her mother’s associates - finally found out. By 13, running away was almost a regular occurrence for her, escaping to the safety of her friend’s house for at least a night or two and even skipping school. After one night, when her father beat her so bad she barely managed to dial the phone and have her friend pick her up, he brought her to a hospital a town over. An investigation was finally started, and - with her friend’s help and connections - she was emancipated when she was 16. She moved in with her best friend, and finished high school. It took about that long for him to convince her to start seeing a professional about all the years of abuse and neglect. She enrolled in Lovell to purse the one dream she ever had, to be a writer since writing stories to escape reality was the only other thing aside from her best friend to keep her from doing anything she might not live to regret. It was only recently during her therapy, that it was recommended she branch out on her own. Notes: Her best friend contacted Gretchen last week to look at the place before actually recommending it to her. Over the course of the RP, I intend to have her growing as a person, learning to be more open, less meek, etc. There will be a lot of rough shyness at the beginning, but it will get better.