Yeah, you can't just "give up" on an ancient mind-eating eldritch abomination. It's going to take some exceptional circumstances, and at least [i]some[/i] withdrawal symptoms. Willpower through the roof, basically. As for the Nightmare, remember that basically every other group in Equestria denies and scorns the Sisters, including Luna. They say she was no goddess, her claim to the throne was nonexistent, she was not to be trusted even after she was cured of the whole Nightmare Moon thing, all that. The vast majority of zealotous priestesses (which Nightmares are, by definition) would stay with Moon&Star. The slaves are justified. Obviously, the Sisters being Alicorns (Unicorns with wings, according to M&S), magic and unicorns are seen in the highest regard. All of the other races are surely inferior. The wars? They are literally fighting for the right of the Princesses to rule Equestria. Moon&Star believes they will come back, and take over once again. So, as I said, there has to be some particularly disheartening event, one that leaves her connection to Luna herself intact, but her loyalty to the House broken. EDIT: And, in fact, Moon&Star has the most legitimacy of all of the Houses. They have an Alicorn Princess, and are the most direct extension of the Pre-Collapse government of the Sisters.