WIP Crash Site: 54 Items Salvaged from Crash Site: [list] [*]Specialised Outdoor Clothing | Tough, but made from lightweight fibres, these overalls will deter the strongest heat, and keep out the fiercest rain. A technological marvel of our time, and look, there’s a whole compartment full of them![/*] [*]Large Non-perishable Food Stockpile | Pallets stacked high with tins of preserved meats and vegetables, enough to feed a thousand people for a year. Why catch that weird looking half-cat half-rat creature over there behind the bushes, when you could crack open a can of corned beef? [/*] [*]Cannons | Your sky ship's armaments are intact, and so you salvage them. Big and clunky, they require ten strong men to haul, and wont be of much help in an offensive battle. However, they'd make a wonderful part of your peoples' defences, or an Ace up your sleeve in certain combat scenarios.[/*] [/list] Leader’s Name: Salvatore "Sal" Ducasse Leader’s Age: 32 Leader’s Appearance: [url=http://i2.cdnds.net/14/08/618x670/gaming-the-order-1886-concept-artwork-1.jpg]"Sal"[/url] Leader’s Former Occupation: Before the Plague, Sal was listed on the army and had the rank of Colonel. When the Plague began to spread, actions done by the government he was fighting for, forced him to leave and establish a group dedicated on defeating the Plaguers for a price. The mercenary group was known as "The Purifiers" and was composed of former military men that shared Sal's vision of doing what they do best, without being ordered to massacre innocent lives. Leader’s Mentality: Sal enforces a mix of democratic and meritocratic rule over the group of survivors he's leading. Amount of Survivors at Start: 206, 100 belonging to the Purifiers, 35 middle-rich class civilians (doctors, teachers, artisans and business people), 25 low class civilians (factory workers, whalers, laborers, and street cleaners) 45 former sky ship crew, and Salvatore Ducasse. Survivor Group Type: A militarized group of survivors aiming to establish a new settlement.