If I can join here is my bio: Name: Kaiden Gender: Male Age: 16 Parents: Nightcrawler and an unknown human who passed during childbirth Powers: Ability to disappear within any shadow, hide his scent, and remain unseen until he makes a detectable noise. Kaiden has many of his father's powers including his agility, strength and teleporting, though he can not teleport as far as his dad. When he stares in to people's eyes he has the opportunity to lure someone to trust him. Bio: Kaiden grew up with his dad in the local church, residing usually more often up in the rafters. Unlike his father, Kaiden is quiet and is not a jokester but rather reclusive, always listening and perceiving his surroundings with calculated thought. He did not show any signs of his powers until his 15th birthday. Up until then his dad was relieved with the false understanding that he would not have any powers to train or deal with in their development. Kaiden is an emotional child and always had been. While most of the time he would remain quiet and calm he had bouts of outrageous emotional bursts whether in rage or agony that scared his father and left him tip toeing around him. The first sign of his power came when he disappeared during dinner and returned a day later. All his other abilities are being learned and discovered still. Appearance: Kaiden has his mother's tan olive skin and her cobalt blue eyes, while he holds his father's thick and messy ink black hair. He has a lithe yet muscular frame that upholds his strength and agility given by his father. He wears mostly dark jeans, fitted t-shirt and a dark gray hooded jacket, keeping the hood on his head most of the time. Unlike his father and very much like his mother, he does not have a tale but his ears are slightly pointed. His hoodie is his comfort, shielding his visable difference and allowing him to remain most unseen and forgettable in group surroundings. Kaiden did not care for much attention, ironic since his complexion and calm demeanor attracts people fairly easily. [img=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_majgteB7Bj1rqb1qlo1_500.jpg]