Leader’s Name: Colonel Joachim Hessler Leader’s Age: 41 Crash Site:23 Leader’s Appearance: Every feature of his almost too angular face is striking. His eyes are a very bright, piercing blue. His jaw is very square, and his nose prominent. He is imposing in stature and demeanor, standing at 6'4". Leader’s Former Occupation: Take a wild guess :p Leader’s Mentality: Hessler is taking this situation more or less in stride. He seeks to create a civilian government on the island but until such time as a legitimate government is established, he considers the island under martial law and will do all that is necessary to restore order. Amount of Survivors at Start: 300 Survivor Group Type: The core of his group are professional soldiers, around two thirds. The other half are their families and miscellaneous survivors who found the order and security alluring. All are given military ranks and are subject to military justice. Items: Guns, carpentry supplies, specialized outdoor clothing.